Welcome to Haine 5/6 Middle School Meet the Teacher 2017-2018
Meet the HMS Administration Mrs. Cassandra Doggrell HMS Principal Mrs. Megan Lizewski HMS/ECMS Assistant Principal
SV Mission Statement SV recently updated our mission statement to reflect our commitment to working with parents and the community in preparing our students to be successful, productive citizens.
Student/Attendance Secretary HMS Office Team Mrs. Amy Taylor Student/Attendance Secretary Mrs. Julie Stanek Staff Secretary HMS Support Staff Throughout the SV district we have a wealth of resources available to support students and their families. The support system at Haine Middle School includes but is not limited to our office staff, the school counselor, and school nurse. Please never hesitate to reach out to any of us throughout the school year. Mrs. Jennifer Shipe School Counselor Mrs. Lynne Rodrigues School Nurse
Haine Middle School Procedures Office Hours 7:30am-4:00pm Student Arrival Begins 8:15am School Hours 8:40am-3:15pm Student Dismissal Begins 3:15pm 2 hour Delay Schedule 10:40-3:15pm The k-4 elementary and 5/6 middle school hours are consistent throughout the school district. It is important to note that the earliest that you may drop your student off at the building is 8:15 unless prior arrangements are made.
The Haine Middle School theme supports a growth mindset. We welcome everyone to participate in challenging tasks. We will practice resiliency and perseverance. We will learn from our failures. We understand that “struggle” is an important part of learning. We will praise effort, perseverance, and the processes that we use to learn. Mindsets in the Classroom, Mary Cay Ricci Throughout the school year our staff and students at Haine Middle School will be discussing the importance of a growth mindset. Our goal is to build a community that recognizes students’ effort and values the struggle and perseverance through a task as they conquer new strategies and skills.
Mindful Moments Combines the idea of Growth Mindset and a School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan. Encouraging students to be MINDFUL about their actions. What we SAY and DO matters. Do the “right thing” even when no one is looking. In addition to the growth mindset, we are also encouraging students to be mindful of their actions. The idea of doing the right thing all the time, because what we say and do impacts our self and others.
School Expectations Provides students, staff, and families with common understanding of behavioral expectations within our school community. Student will work for recognition and rewards throughout the school year.
OLWEUS (Anti-Bullying Program) OLWEUS and Mindful Moments will work hand-in-hand to support students in making positive choices. Goals of OLWEUS: Address and reduce existing bullying at Haine Middle Prevent the development future poor choices related to bullying. Achieve positive peer relationships at Haine Middle. Haine Middle students and staff will meet at least one time a week to teach/discuss strategies for addressing bullying and other difficult peer situations. Our Olweus program and Mindful Moments will be working hand-in-hand to support our Haine Middle School Students. The students and teachers will continue to meet one time a week through out the year for an OLWEUS lesson and review.
How can parents support OLWEUS and our Mindful Moments plan? Parents can help us by providing a consistent message about bullying prevention and making positive choices at school. Parents can help by encouraging and empowering students to speak up for themselves and report situation to adults. Parents can help by collaboratively brainstorm solutions to problem situations (that align with HMS and district rules) that students discuss with them and model appropriate responses. We encourage our parents to partner with us in this endeavor to encourage a positive mindset and positive choices throughout our building. A consistent message between home and school is always a great way to bridge the work that occurs in both locations.
Who should I contact with a bullying or behavioral concern? Parents should first contact the classroom teacher who will address the concern. Additionally, support can be provided by the School Counselor, Mrs. Shipe as well as Mrs. Doggrell or Mrs. Lizewski. There is also a district tip line (Sprigeo) for parents to report concerns after school hours or on weekends. The Sprigeo link can be found on the district website www.svsd.net. If you do have concerns with negative behaviors, please always contact your child’s classroom teacher first. Additional support can also be provided by Mrs. Shipe our school counselor or building administration.
Technology at Haine Middle During the 2017-2018 school year each student at Haine Middle School will be assigned a 2-in-1 tablet for educational usage. An insurance will be offered to families who would like the ability to have their student take their device home for use. The purpose of the insurance is to replace any damage to the device from normal wear and tear. We are excited to be able to offer each student a 2-1 tablet the fall of this school year. More information will be sent home regarding appropriate use as well as a low cost insurance for the use of the devices at home.
BYOT- Bring Your Own Technology With the new addition of the tablets for students, there will be a decreased usage for student’s personal devices in the classroom. BYOT usage in the classroom will be under the direction and discretion of each individual classroom teacher. For accountability, students must register their personal technology devices at http://byot.svsd.net before connecting to the school’s wireless system. With the new addition of the tablets, we will likely see a decrease usage of students personal devices within the classroom setting. We will continue to require that personal devices are registered through the BYOT system before the device is brought to school.
Creativity, Innovat on, and Research Center Our Technology and Library classes have combined to provide students with a unique experience within our Creativity, Innovation, and Research Center (CIRC). Students will still be given access to book check out and other traditional library resources as they align to their curricular learning tasks. As we continue to explore opportunities to incorporate 21st skills into our classrooms we will be offering students in grades K-6 a special called CIRC this school year. CIRC stands for Creativity, Innovation, and Research center. During this special students will explore things like robotics, coding, 3 dimensional printing. Students will be presented with tasks and given freedom to make choices in their learning that best suits their interests.
Haine PTO We are thankful to have a supportive and active PTO membership at Haine Middle School and are always welcoming new members. Please consider jonining. This is a wonderful opportunity to get in to see and contribute to your child’s academic environment. Again the success of the school and students is greatly impacted by the participation level of our families and the community. We encourage every family to consider ways in which they can be active members of our school community.
Thank you for your time this evening! Mrs. Lizewski and I look forward to a successful partnership with our Haine Middle School community.