Essential Question Outcome 4
Essential Question The EQ is based on the ideas presented by the author to the reader. These “ideas” can be seen as the “themes” in the story or article.
How to Develop an Essential Question Before writing the EQ determine the “themes” or “big ideas” in the text. Turn the “theme” or “big idea” into an open ended question. An open ended question is a question that can have multiple answers and different perspectives. The question should be open to debate.
Step 1 – Themes/Big Ideas Text: Little Red Riding Hood Themes or Big Ideas: Example: Parenting
Step 2 – Write an open ended question Example1: Theme: Parenting EQ: How do parents know when their children are ready to be out on their own? Example 2: EQ: What is good parenting?
How to answer an Essential Question The EQ should be answered and supported through research. (articles, websites, blogs…) Opinion may be used IF appropriate. The EQ may have multiple answers and perspectives.
What an Essential Question is not The EQ should NOT be referring to a specific character or specific even in the text. Someone who did not read the same text should still be able to answer your EQ.
Assignment Meet in a small group and choose a movie. Then find 2 themes presented in the story. Write 1 essential question for each theme. We will present our questions to the class. Lastly, in your group create 2 themes and 2 essential questions for the chapter you have been assigned.