Black holes By: Tom
Table of Content Chapter 1 : What is a Black Hole. ……………………………… Page 4. Chapter 2 : How big are Black Holes. …………………………page 6. Chapter 3 : How Black Holes forms. …………………………page 8. Chapter 4 :If Black Holes are “Black” how can we see theme…… …….page 10.
Introduction Did you know that Black Hole can take every thing except earth and planets? Cool!!! You well see 4 chapters in this power point: What is a Black Hole? How big are Black Hole? How Black Holes forms? And also, If Black Holes are “black” how can we see theme? Black holes is one of the mysterious thing ever!!!
What is a Back hole Do you know what is a Black Hole. A black hole is a place in outer space that is black. Black holes have very Strong gravity. they have more gravity than on earth. Black holes can take everything except earth or Planets. Light cannot escape black holes. That is why Black holes are invisible, because light cannot escape Black holes. Did you learn what is a black hole.
How big are black holes Black holes can be small and big, they have different sizes. The smallest black holes is called, “primordial black holes.” It is big like a single atom. The medium size is called “Stellar black holes.” It have 20 times more matter than the Sun. The biggest black hole is called, ‘ supermassive black Holes.’ It have 1 million more matters than the sun. Do you learn what is a black hole now.
How big are black holes Black holes have 3 deferent reasons how to form. Black holes can be form by dead stars. It can also be after a big Bang, for Primordial black holes. Sometimes it is because of a big explosion very long ago or when a star Burns out. Those are the 3 big reasons how a black hole is formed.
If black holes are black how can we see them How can we see black holes if they are ‘black.’ Black holes cannot be seen, because of it’s strong gravity. The gravity sucks all into the center. Scientists can see effects from the gravity. They are so good to see black holes.
Conclusion In those 4 chapters you learn, What is a black hole, How big are black holes, How black holes formed and, If a black hole is black how can we see theme. I hope you enjoyed my power point about black holes.
glossary - gravity: A force that pull you to the ground. - black hole: A round thing that take everything except planets. -invisible: Something that you can’t see. atom: Something so tiny that you can’t see. Matters: Something that which occupies space and has mass. 1 million: A very big number. effects: Results sucks: Get in and stay. scientist: People that study science. Bang: An events in the universe.
glossary Explosion: When a bomb touch the ground it is doing ppprrrrrooooooouuuuuuuuu!!! It explosed. Stars: Something in space that does light when it is night.
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