Rogerian Strategy in Arguments A conflict resolution technique Feel free to change anything, I just started a bit to get some structure going.
Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987) American psychologist who created the Rogerian Strategy. His theory was people in disputes should not respond to each other until they fully and fairly state the other person's position.
Rogers recognized how people establish barriers and grow more rigid in their beliefs when threatened. He believed in the idea of empathy- the ability in Rogers' words "to see the expressed idea and attitude from the other person's point of view."
Empathy involves the Rogerian method entirely because it requires you to put yourself outside of your ego and truly understand someone else's point of view despite how different it may be from your own personal belief.
Structure of Argument Introduction Neutrally state the opposing view Demonstrating full understanding of the opposing point of view Concession Refutation
Introduction and Summary Give background information Describe issue well enough to show they fully understand the alternate position Important to show opposition that there are no misconceptions about the argument
Concession The writer describes cases and contexts in which the alternate position may be legitimate Validates and gives merit to the opposing argument This is also a way to demonstrate goodwill towards the process
Refuting Ultimately denies opposing argument The person states his position and presents valid circumstances and evidence. The person explains to their opponent how they would benefit from adopting their own position.
Remember! To be successful, proponents must steer clear of indecent and stereotypical language May involuntarily lead to a compromise forcing the other to emphasize how both sides of the argument benefit Creates a win-win outcome
Examples This type of discussion is most effective for emotionally charged topics "Bobby and Vanessa are arguing about whether to send their child to a private or public school. Bobby wants public school while Vanessa insists private school for their toddler. To have a critical discussion and come to a proper conclusion each parent must state and explain the other's preference and why it could be valid. This helps the two parties understand one another and come to a compromise or conclusion more effectively."
Conclusion In Colorado State University's analysis of the Rogerian Argument the author states when the best time is to use it. The author Kate Kiefer states: "Rogerian approaches are particularly useful for emotionally charged, highly divisive issues. The Rogerian approach typically downplays the emotional in favor of the rational so that people of good will can find solutions to common problems. But no argument, Rogerian or otherwise, will succeed unless the writer understands the reader."
Empathy is not a factor in this method. POP QUIZ! TRUE or FALSE? Empathy is not a factor in this method.
POP QUIZ! False- Empathy is the cornerstone of this method because it always you to take and at times embody someone else's perspective. Walking a mile in their shoes.
POP QUIZ! TRUE or FALSE? With the Rogerian strategy for arguments, you only need to provide a shallow account of the alternate opinion or perspective to appear "fair."
POP QUIZ! False- Part of the success and effectiveness of this argument is providing balanced, detailed perspectives in a clear and concise way.
The goal is to create win-win outcomes. POP QUIZ! TRUE or FALSE? The goal is to create win-win outcomes.
POP QUIZ! True-Creating win-win solutions is the ultimate goal of this method with all parties feeling like this was a success because the egos were checked and everyone gained something while compromising other things.
References Lamberton, Jill L, Classical and Rogerian Arguments, August 2003,, Web Cooper, Sheila, and Rosemary Patton, Writing Logically, Thinking Critically, New York: Longman, 2006, Book Kiefer, Kate. "What is Rogerian Argument? (Kiefer)." What Is Rogerian Argument? (Kiefer). Colorado State University, n.d. Web everyone remember to cite your sources. -brandon