By: Daniela Cardenas, Jared Peterson, Dereck Robinson, Tahnee Ruiz Apple Watch By: Daniela Cardenas, Jared Peterson, Dereck Robinson, Tahnee Ruiz
Background on Company Founded back in 1976 Apple Co. is a global business that specializes in creating consumer electronics. Founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. Created the iPod, iPad, iPhone, and apple watches. Core Competencies: Highly innovated Technologically advanced Creates a public need for products Excelent public relations High demand Strong financial performance
Product Apple Watch is the first smartwatch designed and produced by Apple. They wanted a product to enhance the iPhone iPad experience. One of the first watches in the world able to: Communicate directly with your iPhone Text Call Play music Keep track of health and fitness goals Designed to be easily used, viewed and enjoyed with a touchscreen feature. The original goal was to get consumers more I touch with human society
Target Market Apple tried to target people of all ages Younger audiences will be reached through Television Older audiences will be reached through newspapers and radio ads. Middle aged group through social networking sites. Most ads only featured women suggesting this primary target. Those already using apple products. Target age: Teens Early twenties
Place Apple Store/ Online Bestbuy Store/ Online Ebay online Target Store/ Online
Price Apple Store/ Online $549.00 - $1099.00 $325.00 - $899.00 Best Buy Store/ Online $349.00 - $399.00 Ebay Online $259.99 - $591.99 Target Store/ Online $349.00 - $649.00
Promotion Social Media TV ads - They used various different activities demonstrating that anyone would benefit from having an apple watch including: Cycling Running Kissing Skating Dancing Online videos showing features and How To's
Direct Competition Samsung Gear S2 smart watch $299.99 3G Bluetooth availability Call Text Receive notifications, even when your phone isn't near you 4 GB of internal memory $299.99
Indirect Competition Michael Kors Lexington Silver Tone Watch $275.00 This is just a specific example but it could be any simple watch with any smart features OR Could be any cellphone with the same features like the watch (Texts, receive notifications etc.) Samsung galaxy S6 edge plus $349.99
Overview of Campaign Released date: April 24, 2015 The end of October – 7 more videos were released. Video ads were published on titled: All videos are 16 seconds long. "Rise" Mostly on women, themes include: "Up" "Us" "Move" Marketing focused on advertising a fashion accessory. "Skate" "Travel" October 2015 – 6 more videos were release all with their own focus. "Dance"
Plans or Forecasts for the Future
Recommendations Our majorRecommendations: Keep the market target clear (based on our research it was women) Create a water resistant/proof model to support the activities advertised.