Glorifying God in the Darkness Matthew 5:13-16
In the ancient world salt was highly valued In the ancient world salt was highly valued. Many times Roman soldiers were paid in salt – this is the origin of the word “salary.” It is also the origin of the phrase “not worth his salt.” Salt was also connected with purity because of its glistening whiteness. Romans believed that salt was the purest of things because it came from the purest of all things – the sun and the sea. In the ancient world salt was the most common preservative. It was used to keep meats and vegetables from going bad. In ancient times, just as today, salt was used to bring flavor to foods. William Barclay
Glorifying God in the Darkness You are Salt (Matthew 5:13) You of Light (Matthew 5:14-16)
Jesus compared his disciples to salt. DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. To what substance did Jesus compare his disciples? (Matthew 5:13) Jesus compared his disciples to salt.
Salt is salty! If salt loses its saltiness it is worthless. DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. What is the essential character of salt? What happens if it loses this distinctive characteristic? (Matthew 5:13) Salt is salty! If salt loses its saltiness it is worthless.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. How are believers like salt? How can a believer lose his or her “saltiness?”
Jesus also compared his followers to light. DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. To what did Jesus compare his disciples? (Matthew 5:14) Jesus also compared his followers to light.
Jesus says you cannot hide a city that is on a hill. DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What does Jesus tell us about a city on a hill? (Matthew 5:14) Jesus says you cannot hide a city that is on a hill.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. What do you think Jesus meant by this?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. What is a proper use of a lamp? What is an improper use of a lamp? (Matthew 5:15) You don’t light a lamp and put it under a bowl. You should light a lamp and put it on a lampstand so that it can fill the house with light.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. What did Jesus mean by this lamp analogy?
Believers are to let their lights shine. DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. According to Jesus, how are believers like lamps? (Matthew 5:16) Believers are to let their lights shine.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. What is the purpose of letting our lights shine? (Matthew 5:16) Jesus says that we should let our lights shine so that others may see our good works and give glory to God.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. If we are believers and are letting our lights shine, do others just see the good works we do? What about those times when our works are not good? Do others see those actions, too?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. Would you characterize the light of your life as: A flashlight with a dead battery A 60 watt light bulb A blazing star