A Precision Measurement of the η Radiative Decay Width via the Primakoff Effect A. Gasparian NC A&T State University, Greensboro, NC for the PrimEx Collaboration Outline PrimEx program @12 GeV Previous Γ(→) experiments The proposed experiment Control of systematic errors Summary
PrimEx Project @ 12 GeV Input to Physics: precision tests of Chiral Experimental program Precision measurements of: Two-Photon Decay Widths: Γ(0→), Γ(→), Γ(’→) Transition Form Factors at low Q2 (0.001-0.5 GeV2/c2): F(*→ 0), F(* →), F(* →) Input to Physics: precision tests of Chiral symmetry and anomalies; determination of quark mass ratio -’ mixing angle 0, and ’ interaction electromagnetic radii is the ’ an approximate Goldstone boson? A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Symmetries in QCD Classical QCD Lagrangian in Chiral limit is invariant under: Chiral SUL(3)xSUR(3) spontaneously broken: 8 Goldstone Bosons (π,K,η,η/) UA(1) is explicitly broken: (Chiral anomalies) Γ(0→), Γ(→), Γ(’→) Mass of ’ Massive quarks, SU(3) broken: GB are massive Mixing of π0 η η/ The π0, η, η’ system provides a rich laboratory to study the symmetry structure of QCD at low energy. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
PrimEx 12 GeV Project History This program had been reviewed by 3 special high energy PACs: PAC18 (2000) PAC23 (2003) PAC27 (2005) It is included in the 12 GeV CDR under: “Test of the Standard Model of electro-weak interactions and the determination of fundamental Parameters of this model” With the following statement in the CDR Abstract: “… Precision measurements of the two-photon decay widths and transition form factors of the three neutral pseudoscalar mesons via the Primakoff effect will lead to a significant improvement on our knowledge of chiral symmetry in QCD, in particular on the ratios of quark masses and on chiral anomalies.” A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
PrimEx-I Experiment: Γ(0) Decay Width Nuclear targets: 12C and 208Pb; 6 GeV Hall B tagged beam; experiment performed in 2004 12C 208Pb A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
PrimEx-I Result () = 7.93eV2.3%1.6% A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
PrimEx-II Planned Run 1.4% Approved by PAC33 for 20 days to get high statistics 1.4% A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
→ Decay Width: e+e- Collider Experiments e+e- e+e-** e+e- η e+e- e+, e- scattered at small angles (not detected); Only detected; Error in individual experiments: from 7.6% to 25% η→ PDG average for collider experiments: Γ(η) = 0.510 ± 0.026 keV ( ± 5.1%) Major limitations of method unknown q2 for ** knowledge of luminosity A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Primakoff Method η Difficulties of → experiment: ρ,ω Difficulties of → experiment: cross section is smaller larger overlap between Primakoff and hadronic processes Challenge: Separate Primakoff amplitude from hadronic processes. larger momentum transfer: We propose to use hydrogen target to address all tose issues. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Cornell Primakoff Experiment Cornell (PRL, 1974) brems. beam, E=5.8, 9.0, 11.45 GeV targets: Be, Al, Cu, Ag, U Result: (η)=(0.3240.046) keV (14.2%) A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Comments on Cornell Experiment Untagged bremsstrahlung beam Conventional Pb-glass calorimetor: (size: 4.5x4.5x49. cm3 target to calorimeter dist.: 4.7m) As a result: insufficient resolutions in experimental parameters; hard to resolve Primakoff from hadronic contribution; model dependent calculation for hadronic contributions. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Precision Measurement of → decay width We propose to measure Γ(→) with 2.2% total error all-decay widths are normalized to decay width and experimental Branching Ratios (B.R.): Γ(η→all-decays) =Γ(→)/B.R. Improvement in Γ(→) will change the whole -sector in PDG A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Physics Outcome from Experiment light quark mass ratio ( - ’) mixing angle: Γ(η→3)=Γ(→)×B.R. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Experiment with GlueX Setup Advantages of Hall D/GlueX setup: High energy tagged photon beam Eγ=10 – 11.7 GeV High acceptance Pb-glass calorimeter (FCAL) LH2 and LHeTargets (30 cm) Pair Spectrometer 75 m Counting House Disadvantages of standard Hall D/GlueX setup for Γ(→) precision measurement: Beam line: 3.4 mm collimator on 75 m distance: very low tagging efficiency (~15%); Radiation damage effects of diamond crystal on endpoint spectrum? Compton cross section measurement to control overall systematic errors: FCAL with its central hole unable to detect double arm Compton (need more than 10 m distance) A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009 14
Propositions for Existing Setup 5.0 mm collimator double the tagging efficiency from 15% to ~30% help to control photon flux stability within 1% 5.0mm coll. Design limit Amorphous radiator (~10-4 r.l. Au) better control of photon flux at endpoint HyCal Calorimeter enables Compton detection factor of 2 better experimental resolutions: better event selection; extraction of Primakoff process from hadronic background. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009 15
Proposed Experiment with GlueX Setup General characteristics of proposed experiment: Incoherent bremsstrahlung photon beam Eγ =10.5 – 11.7 GeV (~10-4 r.l. Au radiator, 5.0 mm beam collimator) High resolution, high segmentation HyCal Calorimetor 30 cm LH2 target (~3.6 r.l.) Advantages of Hydrogen target: no inelastic hadronic contribution; no nuclear final state interactions; proton form factor is well known; better separation between Primakoff and nuclear processes; new theoretical developments of Regge description of hadronic processes. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009 16
Experimental Resolutions: Prod. Angle Precision Primakoff measurement requires high resolutions in: Production angle (fit); Invariant mass (background) Energy (elasticity) A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009 17 A. Gasparian, Hall D, May 9, 2008 17
Experimental Resolutions (contd.) γγ invariant mass Energy conservation (elasticity) High resolution, high granularity calorimeter is critical in: event selection; extraction of Primakoff from hadronic processes (fitting stage). A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009 18 A. Gasparian, Hall D, May 9, 2008 18
Statistics and Beam Time Request Target: 30 cm (3.46% r.l.) LH2, Np=1.28x1024 p/cm2 Photon intensity: 7.6x106 γ/sec in Eγ = 10.5–11.7 GeV Total cross section on P for θη=0 - 3.50, Δσ = 1.1x10-5 mb (10% is Primakoff). N(evts) = Np x Nγ x Δσ x ε(eff.)x(Br. Ratio) = 1.28x1024x7.6x106x1.1x10-32x0.6x0.4 = 2.6 x 10-2 events/sec = 2200 events/day = 220 Primakoff events/day Beam time request: LH2 target run 45 days Empty target run 5 days Tagger efficiency, TAC 3 days Setup calibration and checkout 7 days Total 60 days Statistics: 45 days of run on LH2: 1% stat. error A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Estimated Error Budget Systematical errors: Contributions Estimated Error Photon flux 1.0% Target number 0.5% Background subtraction Event selection 0.8% Acceptance, misalign. Beam energy 0.2% Branching ratio (PDG) 0.66% Total Systematic 1.9% Total estimated error: Statistical error 1.0% Systematic error 1.9% Total Error 2.2% A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Control of Overall Systematics: Compton Cross Section PrimEx-I Result Δσ/ΔΩ (mb/6.9 msrad) Data with radiative corrections Total error: 1.3% reached in PrimEx-I run PrimEx-I Result A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Responses to Theory and TAC Comments Theory comments: “… How do hadronic contribution effect the decay width?” The suggested hydrogen target will minimize the hadronic contributions: (a) no nuclear incoherent processes; (b) no final state interaction: better control of the measured nuclear coherent amplitude at relatively large angles; “… new article with refitting the Cornell data …” (a) the data from the Cornel experiment are not available for reanalysis; (b) this article fitted the data without the angular resolutions in; (c) it demonstrates the need for a new optimized Primakoff experiment to address the long standing discrepancy between the two data sets. TAC comments: About the “… DAQ readout electronics and trigger…” It was discussed with Hall D leadership how to best organize the replacement of FCAL with HyCal for the proposed experiment. We agreed that building an “interface module” to connect the HyCal output cables into the FCAL output cables is the most cost effective and straightforward solution. It may cost ~$10K and will solve all questions for signal processing, trigger and DAQ. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Summary PrimEx-12 experimental program has been developed to perform precision tests of chiral symmetry and anomaly effects in the light pseudoscalar meson sector. This program has been a part of the “Science Driving the 12 GeV Upgrade”. It is included in the “Abstract” of the CDR as a part of the physics program. The first experiment, the 0 lifetime measurement, has been performed in fall, 2004 in Hall B with 6 GeV beam. (0) has been extracted with high precision at 3% level. A new PrimEx-II run is approved to reach the projected 1.4% precision. New Primakoff precision experiment for Г(→) will: Potentially solve the discrepancy between collider and Primakoff results; Improve all decay widths in PDG by more than a factor of 2; Determine the light quark mass ratio in model independent way; Significantly improve the (-’) mixing angle determination. Hall D/GlueX experimental facility with its high resolution and high intensity 12 GeV photon tagger is uniquely suited for the Г() Primakoff measurement with high accuracy. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Summary (contd.) To reach the 2.2% accuracy in Γ(→) measurement, we propose to: Use hydrogen target to minimize the effects of hadronic processes: No incoherent contribution; No final state interactions: better control of nuclear coherent contribution; Use high resolution HyCal calorimeter to significantly improve the systematic errors in this experiment. Use larger (5 mm) beam collimator to control the photon flux at 1% level with PS. Simultaneous measurement of Compton cross section to control the overall error in the experiment. Requesting 60 days of beam time to measure the Γ(→) with 2.2% accuracy. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
The End A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Electromagnetic Background A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Geometrical Acceptance Coverage of γγ events in HyCal vs. distance Coverage of γγ events in HyCal vs. production angle HyCal with its moderate size will provide a good (~60%) at 6.5 m for these energies. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009 27 A. Gasparian, Hall D, May 9, 2008 27
Comments on Cornell’s Result on η (I will redo this slide) Major concerns: Large overlap between the Primakoff production and the nuclear background. Uncertainty of the theoretical calculations on the charge form factors and hadronic distributions. A conventional lead glass calorimeter a poor 2γ invariant mass resolution for the η events selection, and a poor angular resolution to discern the characteristic shapes of the different production mechanisms. Untagged photon beam. M2γγ (GeV2)
Compton as Stability Control (maybe to question section) σ (mb) A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Physics Motivation precision tests of chiral anomaly Fundamental input to Physics: precision tests of chiral anomaly determination of quark mass ratio -’ mixing angle 0, and ’ interaction electromagnetic radii is the ’ an approximate Goldstone boson? A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
The Need for a Dedicated Run Instability of the photon flux at the endpoint of the bremsstrahlung spectrum due to radiation damage of the diamond radiator. Propose to use an amorphous metallic radiator (~10-4 R. L. Au) Low tagging efficiency (~15%) due to a 3.4 mm diameter collimator. Propose to use 5.0 mm diameter collimator to double the tagging efficiency and control of the photon flux at 1% level. Unable to detect the atomic Compton scattering simultaneously with the η production to control the overall systematic errors. The new HyCal calorimeter with its small beam hole size (6x6 cm2) will access the Compton electrons at small angles (0.450 at 6.5 m distance) A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009
Advantages of the proton Target (Will work on this one) The incoherent hadronic contribution vanishes within our kinematical range. The proton form factor is well known, and is free of corrections from the nuclear final state interactions. The coherent hadronic photoproduction on proton is peaked at much larger angles than the Promakoff peak. New theoretical development of a Regge description of meson photoproduction in the proton strong field. A. Gasparian PAC34, Jan 27, 2009