NREL Lead Investigator, Michael Deru TIP 308: Demonstration of a Demand Response Solution for RTUs and Lighting Retrofits NREL Lead Investigator, Michael Deru
Catalyst + Demand Response CATALYST as a DR asset and permanent load reduction solution Catalyst’s eIQ BMS platform used to also control lighting, water heating and plug loads for DR
Goal At the end of the two-year demonstration, NREL and TWT’s goal is to ensure that BPA understands the feasibility, scalability, DR potential, and programmatic requirements to incentivize a BMS that can deliver DR and EE through multiple commercial building assets packaged in a single investment.
Proof-of-Concept-Pilots 6 sites in the PNW 2 drug stores 2 restaurants 1 big box retailer 1 casino 1 furniture store
Catalyst eIQ Platform RTU Control MEL Control Lighting Control Wireless communication Open-protocol BMS RTU Control MEL Control Wireless mesh network hardware Enmetric PowerPort ? Lighting Control wireless mesh network dimming ballasts and relays DWH Control Communication not yet determined Non-proprietary
4 months 5 months 2 months 9 months 2 months
Criteria for Success Minimally achieves an average 0.9 W/ft2 for 10-minute DR and 1.7 W/ft2 day-ahead DR across five demonstration sites; and Meets a simple payback of six years from a solely EE perspective without utility incentives.”