Brokering Agreement process Stefano Nativi and Mattia Santoro ESSI-lab of CNR-IIA San Petersburg (Russia), 07 Nov 2016
GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEOSS Users GEOSS Applications GEOSS Applications GEOSS Applications GEOSS Applications GEOSS Application Developers GEOSS Portal GEOSS Common Infrastructure GEOSS Supply system Administrative Registration Brokering Process Enterprise System A Enterprise System J … . Enterprise System B Enterprise System C Enterprise System D GEOSS Providers
Towards implementing GEOSS
New Provider Brokering process GEOSS Brokering process aims to add a new enterprise system to the GEOSS supply system: To recognize a new GEOSS Provider; To recognize a new Enterprise System which publishes the new set of datasets; To recognize one or more Web/Internet interfaces (or APIs) exposed by the new enterprise system to implement data sharing –i.e. discoverability and access To recognize a new Set of Datasets –or more than one- shared by the new Provider; NEW BROKERING AGREEMENT
Main Actors The new GEOSS Provider: AKA “Provider” The GEO Secretariat team: AKA “GEO-Sec” GEO Sec DAB Team The GEO DAB operational team: AKA “DAB team”
Technological Registration and Brokering Provider formalizes a set of Technological information to GEO-Sec DAB Team tests interoperability. Test results are send to Provider and GEO-Sec To solve possible issues, DAB Team and Provider work together DAB Team adds Provider’s system to GEOSS. Communication sent to GEO-Sec –with the Provider in CC Provider DAB Team DAB Team Provider DAB Team Provider Provider GEO Sec GEO-Sec [conditional] if the test results are negative Test results
Provider’s Technological Information Published Web service(s)/API(s) for Discovery and Access service/API Protocol REST and SOAP messages are supported E.g. “OGC CSW 2.0.2”, “OpenSearch”, “FTP”, “OPeNDAP 2.0”, “OGC WMS 1.3”, etc. service/API End point e.g. HTTP or FTP URLs. supported Discovery Binding mode Metadata Harvest; Discovery Request distribution supported Access Binding mode Login required Landing page Direct and Open All Mandatory
Provider’s Technological Information Metadata Re-harvesting time [conditional: if Binding mode = “Metadata Harvest”] time (in hours) intervening between two harvests operation by the DAB. Account to be used to access data [conditional: if Access mode = “Login required”] the account specifically created for the DAB. Number of shared datasets [optional] (estimated) number of datasets shared by the system enterprise. Special interoperability requirements [optional] any other requirement the Provider wants to specify All Conditional or Optional
Recommendations To specify at least one Web service/API for Discovery and one for Access. To support the “Metadata Harvest” mode to improve the discoverability and evaluation of their datasets. To support the “Direct and Open” mode to improve dataset accessibility.
DAB mediation capabilities GEO DAB realizes a flexible and extensible platform for enterprise systems mediation and harmonization; Supports the large majority of protocols used by EO Managers to share datasets on the Web e.g. OGC/ISO protocols, W3C protocols, INSPIRE protocols, TDWG protocols, WMO protocols, OAI protocols, DCMI protocols, UNIDATA/UCAR/NCAR specifications, CKAN, etc. Providers are encouraged to implement well-known international and Community standards for interoperability
Shared Dataset Metadata GEO DAB implements discovery and access harmonization for GEOSS Datasets shared by GEOSS Providers must be characterized by a minimum set of metadata elements see the GEO Data Management Principles
Metadata elements presently considered by the DAB Unique Identification [Optional]; Dataset title [Mandatory]; Abstract describing the dataset [Mandatory]; Dataset reference date [Mandatory]; Dataset responsible party [Optional]; Geographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or by geographic identifier) [Conditional]; Dataset topic category [Mandatory]; Lineage [Optional]; On-line resource [Mandatory].
GEOSS Sustainability clauses GEOSS sustainability largely depends on the Provider systems sustainability and their brokering The following clauses are considered mandatory for any GEOSS Provider The Provider shall promptly inform GEO Sec about any change affecting the information detailed in the Technology registration and Brokering phases. GEO-Sec shall promptly inform Providers about any change concerning GEO DAB affecting its interoperability capabilities and/or the GCI architecture. Provider GEO Sec DAB Team
Guidelines Document (final draft) In collaboration with RDA Brokering Governance WG
Thank you !