21’s (2+ Persons) You can pick any points on the floor to shoot from as long as all teams are shooting from the same spots Use both baskets and both sides so you can have a maximum of 4 teams On the word go, the first player in line in each team will shoot the ball If they score they get 2 points, if they catch the ball before it touches the floor and put it back in, they get an extra point If they miss but catch the rebound before it hits the floor and put it in then they get 1 point HOWEVER…..for a team to start scoring, they MUST score a 2 point shot first The first team to make exactly 21 points wins the round Upon winning, the team shouts ‘21’ and then all teams switch ends and repeat the game 3 2 1 4 Game 1: All teams start on the elbow of the key Game 2: Roughly 45° to the basket Game 3: Baseline Game 4: 3pt Line Note: all teams will shoot from the same spot at both ends of the court so a total of 8 games 1 2 3 4