Sqoop Mr. Sriram Email: hadoopsrirama@gmail.com
Objectives What is Sqoop? Why Sqoop? Importing & Exporting Data using Sqoop Provisioning Hive Metastore Populating Hbase Tables Sqoop Connectors Sqoop Features Performance Benchmark in cluster for Sqoop
Sqoop Introduction What is Sqoop? Why Sqoop? Importing & Exporting Data using Sqoop Provisioning Hive Metastore Populating Hbase Tables Sqoop Connectors Sqoop Features Performance Benchmark in cluster for Sqoop Sqoop Introduction
Sqoop Intro Sqoop is a data transfer tool Sqoop transfer data between hadoop and relational DB servers Sqoop is used to import data from relational DB such as MySQL, Oracle Sqoop is used to export data from HDFS to relational DB Tools -> Sqoop Import / Export SQOOP Import Import individual tables from RDBMS to HDFS Each row in a table is treated as records in HDFS All record are stored as text data in text files or binary files SQOOP Export Export a set of files from HDFS back to RDBMS Files given an input to SQOOP contains records called as rows in table
What is Sqoop?
Why Sqoop?
Working of Sqoop
Selective Imports
Selective Imports
Joining Table
Option File
Controlling Import Process
Controlling Import Process
Import to Hive
Import to Hive
Import to HBase
Import to HBase
Export from HDFS to Mysql
Export from HDFS to MySql
Export to Hive
Export to HBase
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