An overview of activities to engage Eastern Europe and Central-Asia The Road to AIDS 2018 An overview of activities to engage Eastern Europe and Central-Asia
Organisational structure Core Group – AFEW, GNP+ and EHRN Small Work Group EECA – organisations in the Netherlands with direct links and activities in the EECA region Big Work Group EECA – including organisations in the Netherlands with an interest in EECA region
Project Partner EHRN Mobilisation and strengthening the capacity of EECA community of people who use drugs for advocacy, to have a vocal voice at the conference Bring expertise to study tour preparation of EECA representatives to the Netherlands Support in coordination of other networks’ activities
Project Partner GNP+ Support and Mentoring CBOs and community members in developing and submitting abstracts to AIDS2018 Ensuring an increased engagement of people living with HIV organisations in the EECA region at AIDS2018
Ensuring increased participation of EECA representatives Conference Coordinating Committee and Program Committee – ECUO, Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS, Michel Kazatchkine, Natalia Leonchuk, Nadia Dubchak, Gennady Roshchupkin IAS work groups – nominations are gathered Increased involvement of universities, academia from the region Increased abstracts and presentations via small grants fund community based research Increased attendance of policy makers and politicians via active approaches (link with regional projects, study tours) Increased attendance CSO representatives at conference – scholarships – ensure translation
Communication Promote AIDS2018 in the region Social media EECA in the spotlight in the Dutch and other media FB @Aids2018EECA # Aids2018EECA
Advocacy For a new EU Communication and Action Plan for HIV, TB and viral Hepatitis. Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS, Civil Society Forum on Drugs, AIDS Action Europe, European AIDS Treatment Group, TB Europe Coalition, Stop AIDS Alliance … all advocate for a new C&A plan.
Small Grants Funds For community based research – 25 proposals from communities from EECA region AIDS2018 Culture small grants fund – will start soon Scholarship Fund – in preparation
Training and Support Training in community based research Webinar on data analysis Training in ‘how to write abstracts and translating a research into action’ Training in ‘how to present’ E-learning course Training and guidance in active participation in AIDS2018 work groups
Other actvities Symposium ‘Culture Cures and Kills II’ , 28 March 2017 Mapping and analysis of EECA stakeholders Coordination with the EECA Regional networks on joint agenda (Programme and Global Village) Contact clinicians and raise their interests Language support to delegates
Study Tours Dutch politicians to the EECA Region A group of politicians from EECA to the Netherlands
More Information Twitter: #AFEW_Int, #AIDS2018EECA
Thank You!