Welcome to 12:13! Need to talk with your friend? Before or after class is OK, but not during. Need to use the bathroom? Ask one of the parent volunteers. Need to borrow a pen? Loan the parent volunteers a shoe and they will loan you a pen!
Operation Christmas Child Practical gifts are so important. These children are thrilled to receive items like toothbrushes, combs, and brushes. Some may have never had their own before. Simple items of clothing like t-shirts, socks, or a hat are wonderful because some of the children may only own one shirt. School supplies like pencils, small tablets of paper, crayons, etc. are great as sometimes children aren't allowed to attend school unless they can provide their own supplies. Toys are great (and the children love them, too), but they shouldn't be the biggest emphasis of the box. Only hard candy is allowed in the boxes. No chocolate or other food can be shipped overseas. A little candy is fine, but practical gifts are best.
The Greatest Story Ever Told How To Read And Understand REVELATION (Part 2)
Quick Review of Last Week ___ types of biblical literature _______________: The science and art of biblical interpretation. General Special _________: Process of using hermeneutics to reach a correct understanding of a text.
What Does It Mean To Me? Letter to the Technoboppers “I let the cat out of the bag and told my friend about Brenda’s birthday party.” Bopper 1: Cats as messengers Bopper 2: Liberating cat as a symbol of overcoming fear Bopper 3: Cat as birthday gift for Brenda What did it mean to you?
Golden Rule of Interpretation Skillfully use the rules of hermeneutics to understand what the text meant to the original author.
Six Keys To Revelation Revelation is given to reveal (not confuse) Revelation is a book to be seen Revelation makes sense only in light of the Old Testament Numbers count in Revelation Revelation is for a church under attack The victory belongs to God and to his Christ
Mad Gab Mania! Sample: Ace Tray Taste Who Dent Haste Huff Danny Mull Bees Load Who Anchor Dude Hogs Goat Who Evan
Picture #2: A Lamb (Revelation 5)
Lessons From The Lamb The person of the Lamb The work of the Lamb “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation…” (Rev. 5:9) Trust God for his deliverance
Starting Point Class Set-Up -- Revised 10/2/09 14 chairs 14 chairs podium Table for water/OJ table 14 chairs 14 chairs 14 chairs 14 chairs 14 chairs 14 chairs Table for coffee Starting Point Class Set-Up -- Revised 10/2/09