A Research-Based Framework A Multi-Institutional Study of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in STEM A Research-Based Framework Jim Swartz, Grinnell College
Motivation for Project The 21st Century Learner: To investigate diverse ways of implementing and assessing interdisciplinary learning in the sciences. To employ a multi-institutional faculty cohort to investigate interdisciplinary student learning. To use an evidence-based approach (qualitative & quantitative). To construct a framework for interdisciplinary understanding. To build upon the work of others in this area of scholarly inquiry.
Collaborative Inquiry of Interdisciplinary Learning Interviews with faculty & students (self-report) Online surveys (self-report) Course instructors Pre & post surveys of enrolled students http://www.grinnell.edu/academic/psychology/faculty/dl/risc Faculty team inquiry & analysis of student work in interdisciplinary courses (performance-based) RISC
Acknowledgements Trish Ferrett (Carleton College) Funding provided by HHMI Trish Ferrett (Carleton College) David Lopatto, Mark Levandoski, Vida Praitis (Grinnell College) Joanne Stewart, Graham Peaslee (Hope College) Jim Russo (Whitman College) Paul Jackson, Gary Muir, Kevin Crisp (St. Olaf College) Whitney Schlegel (Indiana University) Carleton’s Science Education Resource Center (SERC)
RISC (Research on Integrated Science Curricula) Surveys Faculty survey: course goals and activities Student pre- and post- surveys: nature of science, learning styles, confidence, and learning gains. EMPIRICAL & SCHOLARLY - Based on research literature, previous work of project team, and faculty/student interviews.
Sample (of 50) Faculty Questions Students read primary scientific literature. Students work on a project or problem entirely of student's own design. Students work on problems that have no clear solution. Students work a project or problem entirely of student's own design. Students study an interdisciplinary problem. Students study problems with multiple causes that operate simultaneously and interactively.
Sample (of 50) Student Questions Please rate how much learning you gained from each element you experienced in this course. A project or problem entirely of student's own design Working in small groups or teams. Working on a problem that requires integrating ideas from both science and non-science disciplines. Attempting a complete understanding of a complex problem. Reading primary literature from multiple disciplines or fields of study. How well did you gain an understanding of how scientists think Even if I forget the facts, I'll still be able to use the thinking skills I learn in science.
What might we learn from RISC? Once survey validity is more established, we will query RISC data with more “profound” questions. EXAMPLE: What are the relationships between degree of independent learning (pedagogy), student attitudes about nature of science, and courses with a focus on complex ID problems or systems? Study of Complexity Attitudes Science Pedagogy
Learning Goals: Items from Faculty survey common to “high” ID courses Students learn to ask "big questions" that implicate more than one discipline in a solution. Students learn about two (or more) disciplines so that new insights emerge from considering them together. Students learn to find similarities and differences between disciplines or fields of study. Students study problems with multiple causes that operate simultaneously and interactively.
Pedagogies: Items from Faculty survey common to “high” ID courses Students engage in class discussion Students spend the entire course on one or a few problems Students work on problems that have no clear solution Students learn about two (or more) disciplines so that new insights emerge from considering them together Students have input on design of a project
Results & Lessons from RISC Survey Language matters! Students’ reports on prominent learning gains align with faculty - and high learning gains reported by students. Faculty reports on learning goals and pedagogies are consistent with research literature on interdisciplinarity. High ID RISC items resonate with qualitative findings.
Scholarly Inquiry by Faculty Cohort: Analysis of Student Work 10 faculty, 1-3 from each of 5 colleges (Carleton, Grinnell, Hope, St. Olaf, Whitman) Faculty and cohort inquiry into student learning in their own courses using qualitative methods of analyzing student work 14
Interdisciplinary Courses: Qualitative Work Two traditional disciplinary disciplines merged Introductory biology and chemistry integrated course Defined interdisciplinary area Neuroscience (senior capstone & introductory course) Bioinformatics (mid-level) Problem-based drawing upon multiple disciplines Health Sciences Senior seminar on infectious diseases Environmental Science First-year seminar on renewable energy Mid-level course on abrupt climate change Senior research capstone for environmental science majors 15
Interdisciplinary Understanding Findings: Emergent Framework Interdisciplinary Understanding Integration Engaging Complexity Disciplines Learning Communities Personal Connection Building Understanding Return, Revise, Reflect Put two examples slide as transition 16