Hink Pinks Not a fake tire The picnic pest is unable Pastel red kitchen basin Not a fake tire Heated boat The picnic pest is unable Pink sink Real wheel Hot yacht Can’t ant
Post modification Embedded/rank shifted clauses Grammar 1 Noun Groups Pt 2 Post modification Embedded/rank shifted clauses
Exercise 1
Adjunct Head, Downshifted relative clauses (post-M) As a Shinnecock Indian, I was raised to know this. Head, Downshifted relative clauses (post-M) your water that helps to make the cloud that becomes the rain that feeds the plants that feeds the animals.
Head & [embedded (ellipsed) clauses] a single type of giant cloud called the super cell, capable of producing grapefruit-size hail
Exercise 2 class
Exercise 3 Identify the HEAD Pre-modifier and FUNCTIONS (above) Post-modifier and FUNCTIONS (above) [ ] Word CLASS (below) this little place called ‘the Turtle Hatchery Project’ where turtle eggs are gathered
Exercise 3 HEAD Pre-modifier and FUNCTIONS (above) Post-modifier and FUNCTIONS (above) [ ] Word CLASS (below) Dr PreM H Post-M 1 Post-M 2 Dv adj n ellipsed relative clause downshifted rel clause this little place [called ‘the Turtle Hatchery Project’] [ where turtle eggs are gathered]
Take a Break
Homework Text
HOMEWORK TEXT Whales are large, intelligent, aquatic mammals. They breathe air through blowhole(s) into lungs (unlike fish who breathe using gills). Whales have sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through the water. Whales swim by moving their muscular tail (flukes) up and down. Fish swim by moving their tails left and right. The biggest whale is the blue whale which grows to be about 94 feet (29 m) long - the height of a 9-story building. These enormous animals eat about 4 tons of tiny krill each day, obtained by filter feeding through baleen. Adult blue whales have no predators with the exception of man. Complex whale songs can be heard for miles under the water. The humpback's song can last for 30 minutes. Baleen whales sing low-frequency songs and toothed whales emit whistles and clicks that they use for echolocation. The songs are thought to be used in attracting mates, to keep track of offspring, and for the toothed whales to locate prey.
Experiential Meaning Are the nouns technical or non-technical? Are they everyday or non-everyday? Academic or non-academic? How is logical meaning made (connections within clauses): (e.g. is there evidence of inter-clause connectives/conjunctions?) Are the noun groups simple or complex? (e.g. do the noun groups consist of more than one element? Is there pre/post modification?) If you were teaching this text, are there any words that you might need to pre-teach?
Interpersonal Meaning Is there evidence of personal pronouns? What meaning does this make? (personal/impersonal?) What tense is chosen? What meaning does this choice make? Is there evidence of evaluative language? Is it positive/negative/neutral? Is there evidence of modality (degrees of certainty; space for negotiation)?
How many NGs? Whales have sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through the water. 2
ABOVE the wording Head? Pre-M? Post-M? BELOW the wording Adj., noun, rel.clause sleek, streamlined bodies that move easily through the water
Step 1a: Identify the FUNCTION of the clause constituents in the following by using S, F/P, O. Step 1b: Now identify the CLASS of the wording under each constituent. Use NG, VG. II I Baleen whales I sing I low-frequency songs which can be heard for miles under the water I II
Step 2a: Identify the Function above each of the NGs using H, Pre-M, classifier, Post M: Step 2b: Identify the CLASS of each NG constituent using adjective, noun, relative clause (downshifted) Baleen whales low-frequency songs which can be heard for miles under the water
Exercise 3: Language in the Environment
Language in the Environment This is NOT an exercise in checking the appropriacy or accuracy of the translation (from Chinese to English).
This sign was posted inside a woman’s bathroom stall This sign was posted inside a woman’s bathroom stall. Experiential meaning is made through noun groups such as, you lady, this button and verb groups such as will push. Push is a material verb of doing suggesting a required action on the part of the reader of the signage. Additional information is given with before leaving. Interpersonal Meaning is made through the personal pronoun “you” indicating that the writer is referring directly to the reader of the signage. The choice of “will” as the finite of the VP indicated high value of certainty suggesting expected compliance from the reader of the message. More appropriate wording: Please flush before leaving. Or Please push this button to flush.
This sign was posted inside a woman’s bathroom stall This sign was posted inside a woman’s bathroom stall. Experiential meaning is made through noun groups such as, you lady, this button and verb groups such as will push. Push is a material verb of doing suggesting a required action on the part of the reader of the signage. Additional information is given with before leaving. Interpersonal Meaning is made through the personal pronoun “you” indicating that the writer is referring directly to the reader of the signage. The choice of “will” as the finite of the VP indicated high value of certainty suggesting expected compliance from the reader of the message. More appropriate wording: Please flush before leaving. Or Please push this button to flush.
This sign was posted inside a woman’s bathroom stall This sign was posted inside a woman’s bathroom stall. Experiential meaning is made through noun groups such as, you lady, this button and verb groups such as will push. Push is a material verb of doing suggesting a required action on the part of the reader of the signage. Additional information is given with before leaving. Interpersonal Meaning is made through the personal pronoun “you” indicating that the writer is referring directly to the reader of the signage. The choice of “will” as the finite of the VP indicated high value of certainty suggesting expected compliance from the reader of the message. More appropriate wording: Please flush before leaving. Or Please push this button to flush.