SICI - SIA GA October 2012 GA Prague
1. SIA 4 Access points at SICI website 1. ‘SIA’ in top line, leading to the SIA home page. 2. Through this icon – it should lead to the same SIA home page as the SIA heading on the top line 3. Retain ‘Activities’ as it is at the moment. This is the third SIA access point, leading to the same home page. 4. Note that a fourth access point should be through the line at the foot of the page, where SIA should also be added.
2. SIA Navigation and Homepage Workshops Training Development and Research Inspection Guidelines Welcome to the SICI Inspection Academy (SIA) – a virtual learning and development locus for inspectors and inspectorates of education. The aim of the Academy is to facilitate the exchange of learning materials and the mutual support which members of SICI can provide for one another and for other interested parties. The common focus is to help in developing high-quality professional inspection strategies and procedures. To that end, members have agreed to share, on the SIA webpages, their inspection strategies, guidelines and instruments and information about other aspects of their work which may be of interest and potential use to others. These pages also give access to development and research reports, authored by SICI or by other agencies, either solely or in conjunction with SICI. SIA hopes that future development of these pages will include information from more member countries about their work and, eventually, a discussion platform for individual inspectors to share views in sector- or subject-specific contexts. SIA Activities
3. Workshops Activities SIA Workshops Training Development and Research Inspection Guidelines SIA Activities Below is a list of recent Workshops in which members’ representatives discuss themed issues of general inspection interest. Most entries include the programme for the Workshop, some presentation materials and the Workshop summary report. [Picture and blurb the same as currently in ‘Activities’. - scroll down list of all entries under Workshops.]
4. Training Workshops Training Development and Research Inspection Guidelines SIA Activities SIA Workshops Training Development and Research Inspection Guidelines Activities Serbia 2010 Portugal 2012/ ICALT Serbia 2011 Romania 2011 Serbia 2010 Serbia 2011 Romania 2011 Portugal 2012/ ICALT Cambodia 2012? Ecuador 2011?
5. Development and Research This pane should have a short introduction (text as above) and then a series of buttons which lead to uploaded materials (or through ‘more’ as is suitable). We wish to have a short descriptive text next to each entry with a ‘more’ button. The list should be as follows, with introductory blurb for each: Social Outcomes Bilateral Exchange Netherlands Scotland 2012 Bilateral Exchange Netherlands England 2010 Bilateral Exchange Flanders Netherlands 2011 Bilateral Exchange Netherlands Sweden 2009 Peer Review Flanders Netherlands 2012 Peer Review Netherlands Lower Saxony 2013 Peer Review England Netherlands 2012 ESSE: 2 lines explanation, link to report(heading is link) ICALT: 2lines of explanation, link to report Impact of inspection, link to their website Evaluation and Assessment, link to OECD Equity and Quality , link to OECD Social Outcomes Bilateral exchange Netherlands Scotland 2012 Summary information about the bilateral exchange meetingas titled … > more The Social Outcomes Group is taking forward SICI Workshopdiscussions on issuesrelating to evaluating the social outcomes of education … > more
6. Inspection Guidelines This leads to two active buttons Overview IRELAND [the document within which there are embedded documents or links] Profile IRELAND [this should take the visitor to the relevant profile] SIA Workshops Training Development and Research Inspection Guidelines Activities Inspection Guidelines Inspection guidelines from SICI member countries are shared through these access points. Click on the flag to reach an Overview paper. In each Overview paper you will find further links to specific documents or to weblinks as appropriate
Thank you for your attention and we wish you a very active SICI year with eye for SIA! SIA Web team: Isobel McGregor, Petr Drabek, Bharti Nannan