Sm4rt1cus Stuff You Never Really Cared to Know About Khyri West
The People I Live With I Have 3 siblings. I have three little sisters who occasionally get on my nerves, but I love them and get along pretty well with them. Their names are Kiana(11) Katrina(9) and Korin(7). Yes I know its kind of weird that we’ve all have the letter K as the first letter of our names. But…Blah! KIANA KATRINA KORIN
Parents My dad works for Bank of America in the fraud department in Kennesaw. He also goes to college at SNHU to get a masters in screenwriting. My mom stays at home because she is sick with lupus and a whole bunch of other stuff I cant even remember.
Pets No I do not have any pets. I used to though. I had like 5 or 6 goldfish and 2 Chihuahuas. I had overfed the goldfish and one of the Chihuahuas bit my mom so they were taken to the Pound. One of the dogs was named Baby and the other was Bruno.
Hobbies and Interests I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEE video games, anime, and manga. When I’m not doing homework or chores, I’m playing video games. If I’m not playing video games, watching anime, and if I’m not watching anime I’m reading manga. Also if I get the chance I read comic books. My favorite comics are marvel comics and my favorite character is Spider-man. In DC my favorite character is Batman. That’s basically the same throughout my whole family.
My favorites My favorite Ice cream is chocolate. My favorite Movie is Star Wars EPI (A New Hope). My favorite TV show is Sword Art Online. My favorite song is Its Been So Long. My favorite band is Imagine Dragons. My favorite game is Minecraft. My favorite place is Japan. My favorite book is Ready Player One. My favorite animal is (real) elephant (sci-fi) bantha. My favorite color is purple. My favorite youtuber is PEEEEWWDIEPIIIEEEE!
SCHOOL I have not always been in the Cartersville school system. I was born in Huntsville, Alabama and went to 2 schools there. Then I moved to Chandler, Arizona went to a school there, then moved to Tempe, Arizona went to a school there, then moved to Peoria, Arizona and went to a school there. Then I moved back to Huntsville and went to ANOTHER school there and then came here. No. I am not a part of any sport or club at CMS. I do intend to be part of many clubs when I go to CHS.
Sm4rt1cus’ Video Game Education If I could invent a class I would invent a video game education class. In this class people would be learning the different types of video games and the history of them. The class would also consist of LOTS Of video game playing.
Career ideas What I plan to do once I graduate is go to college and spend the rest of my life a multi millionaire with a game store franchise and tons of video games under my belt. I intend on going to either M.I.T. or Caltech.
Jobs I would love to be a profesional gamer/ youtuber/ game tester/ game store franchise owner. As you can tell I love video games. My dream job is to be the CEO of a video game school.
Plans for the rest of my life is being a happy gamer and die playing my favorite game. Once I die I want my body shot into the stars (in a pod of course).
Mo’ stuff ‘bout me SOOOOO, I have 2 right feet, a tail, aaannd wings. LOL JK, I WISH I had wings. Anyway, I looovve video games, I’ve played trombone since 5th grade, Toonami Rules, and umm, Did I mention I love video games? I love them more than life itself. Actually, I think its starting to get to an unhealthy level. Also full name is Khyri Ade West.
MEEEE QUIIIZZ! How many siblings do I have? Threee! What do I love more than life? VIDEOOO GAAAAMMES! What is my favorite color? Purple