What might Christians use to help them make moral decisions?
Christian moral principles Learning objective: To know how different Christians might make moral decisions and consider the problems of different ways of doing this. Key Words
For this topic you are going to prepare group presentations For this topic you are going to prepare group presentations. You should respond to the questions set out for your different topics. Include questions for discussion and debate. Include hand-outs, worksheets and activities.
Groups Bible – Sarah, Saira, Lucie, Church – Maya, Celeste, Maddie, Rosie Reason – Nisha, Nicole, Elena Love – Izzy, Alex, Grace
Bible What does the word Theonomous mean? Why might Christians only use the Bible for moral decision-making? Why might others criticise this approach?
The Church What does heteronomy mean? What is the Magisterium? Why do some people think we need the church, and not just the Bible, to provide moral guidance? What are some differences between Catholic and Anglican tradition? What are the problems of using the church for moral guidance?
Reason Why do some Christians think it is important to use reason in moral decision-making (perhaps alongside another source)? Why might the problems with using reason be?
Love Why do some Christians use agape as the guiding moral principle? Is this principle sufficient to live a good life?
‘The Bible is all that is needed as a moral guide for Christian behaviour’. Discuss. (40 marks)