BeamCal-Related SiD Work at SCIPP LCWS 2016 Aiina Center & MALIOS Morioka, Iwate, Japan December 5-9, 2016 Bruce Schumm UC Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics 1
Main Points and Updates Radiation damage studies (T506) Power dissipation simulation Beam Collision Parameters Degenerate SUSY
Mauro Pivi SLAC, ESTB 2011 Workshop, Page 3 LCLS and ESA Use pulsed magnets in the beam switchyard to send beam in ESA. Mauro Pivi SLAC, ESTB 2011 Workshop, Page 3 3
2 X0 pre-radiator; introduces a little divergence in shower Sensor sample Not shown: 4 X0 “post radiator” and 8 X0 “backstop”
Both irradiated to 300 Mrad Summer 2016: LumiCal Sensors and Industrial Sapphire LumiCal sensor fragment via Sahsa Borisov, Tel Aviv Industrial sapphire sensor courtesy of Sergej Schuwalow, DESY Zeuthen Both irradiated to 300 Mrad 5 5
Other Recent Exposures and Summary December 2015, Summer 2016 offered high-rate exposures: 10 24hr days of ~20 Mrad/hr Sensor Type Notable Exposures (Mrad) GaAs 20, 100 SiC 80 Si PF 270, 570 Si NF 300 Si PC 600 Si NC 290 Red indicates results available; others await evaluation Operated at 12-15 GeV at close to 1 nA 6 6
Si Diode Results P-Type Float Zone (PF) to 270 Mrad N-Type Float Zone (NF) to 300 Mrad Just by way of reminder (reported at Santander in June) 7 7
PF Charge Collection after 270 Mrad @600 V, ~20% charge collection loss (60C annealing) 8 8
PF I-V after 270 Mrad Exposure (-10 C) At 600 V, about 80 A (0.05 W) per cm2 (sensor area ~ 0.025 cm2) Not much improvement with annealing 270 Mrad Exposure 9 9
NF Leakage Current after 300 Mrad After normalizing for sensor area, results are similar to those for the PF sensor. Sensor area = 0.1 cm2 Temperature -15 C 10 10
NF Charge Collection after 300 Mrad @600 V, ~55% charge collection loss (32C annealing) 11 11
New Results 12 12
LumiCal Sensor (N-Type) Fragment cleaved from broken sensor provided by Tel Aviv After treatment (heat, UV light) were able to bias center strip to ~150V After 300 Mrad irradiation, could bias to > 300 V 13 13
N-Type LumiCal Prototype Fragment Typical (~20 A/cm2) post-irradiation currents 300 Mrad Exposure 14 14
N-Type LumiCal Prototype Fragment Sensor via Sasha Borisov, Tel Aviv Significant charge loss; annealing studies continue 300 Mrad Exposure Sensor via Sasha Borisov, Tel Aviv 15 15
Industrial Sapphire Sensor provided by Sergej Schuwalow Short collection length for mobile carriers intrinsically small signals Current low (< 10 nA) after irradiation 16 16
Industrial Sapphire Charge Collection Low pre-irradiation charge-collection and significant charge loss after irradiation Sensors via Sergej Schuwalow, DESY Zeuthen 500 m thick Al2O3 300 Mrad Exposure 17 17
Industrial Sapphire High-Bias Annealing Trends Annealing does not seem to significantly restore charge collection 500 m thick Al2O3 300 Mrad Exposure Sensors via Sergej Schuwalow, DESY Zeuthen 18 18
Summary and Outlook For all tested technologies, so far only p-type Si seems to maintain good charge collection as dose 1 Grad (might have been expected…) LumiCal sensors might work (charge collection and currents typicalfor n-type), but not optimal Currents do develop, but preliminary estimates have suggested overall power draw remains quite tolerable; these estimates are being refined (FLUKA simulation) A number of highly-irradiated Si Diode samples (300, 600 Mrad) await characterization, as does a 100 Mrad GaAs exposure (but poor performance was observed for 20 Mrad for GaAs)
Power Draw of the Beam Calorimeter as a function of Temperature & Radiation Dosage Reminder of studies already presented Caveat Discussion of refined studies underway (Original studies done by Luc D’Hauthille, UCSC undergraduate)
Assumptions Power modeled as a function of radiation and temperature based on T506 results (see above) Power drawn scales linearly with radiation dosage A 3rd degree polynomial was fit to this I vs. T data, for a Bias Voltage = 600V
Polynomial Fit for Temperature Dependent Current (600 V)
P(R,T) = (R/270MRads)*(600V)*I(T) Model for Power Draw Using these assumptions, power drawn by a pixel is: P(R,T) = (R/270MRads)*(600V)*I(T) where R is radiation dosage, T is temperature, 600V is the Bias Voltage and I(T) is the current given by the fit.
Power Drawn(Watts) of BeamCal collapsed T = -7 ˚C T = 0 ˚C P_total = 4.467 W P_total = 11.01 W P_max = 1.86 mW P_max = 4.59 mW (for a single pixel) (for a single pixel)
Total Power Draw (3 Years of Running with Si Diode Sensors Operating Temperature (0C) Total Power Draw (W) Maximum for 1mm2 Pixel (mW) 15 56 23 7 25 10 11 4.6 -7 4.5 1.9
In T506, beam uniformly illuminates a ~1 cm2 area Caveat In T506, beam uniformly illuminates a ~1 cm2 area At ILC, pair background is spread across ~15cm radius BeamCal face Most neutrons are produced near shower max, but emanate isotropically 26 26
Actual irradiation distribution is spread across face of BeamCal (albeit fairly peaked at origin) 27 27
Away from shower max, direct irradiation may be small, but the peripheral neutron flux must be considered ! 28 28
Will assume that damage is entirely due to neutron flux Refinement FLUKA-based model of BeamCal under development (Benjamin Smithers, UCSC undergraduate, with help from Anne Schuetz) Will assume that damage is entirely due to neutron flux T506 results will provide calibration factor for damage vs. neutron fluence 29 29
Using the BeamCal to Obtain Information about Collision Parameters (Earliest results from new MDI initiative) 30 30 30
Contributors Goal Luc D’Hauthuille, UCSC Undergraduate (thesis) Anne Schuetz, DESY Graduate Student Christopher Milke, UCSC Undergraduate With input from Glen White, Jan Strube, B.S. Goal Idea is to explore the sensitivity of various beamstrahlung observables, as reconstructed in the BeamCal, to variations in IP beam parameters. The sensitivity will be explored with various different BeamCal geometries.
Of these, we believe the following can be reconstructed in the BeamCal: Total energy and its r, 1/r moment Mean depth of shower Thrust axis and value Mean x and y positions Left-right, top-bottom, and diagonal asymmetries
IP Parameter Scenarios Thanks to Anne Schuetz and Glenn White Relative to nominal: Increase beam envelop at origin (via -function), for electron and positron beam independently, by 10%, 20%, and 30% Move waist of electron and positron beam (independently) back by 100m, 200 m, 300 m. Introduce correlations between X,Z and X,Y and X’,Y Details at
Example: Total Deposited Energy e+ and e- beam envelope scan Average of 8 Beam Crossings e+ and e- beam envelope scan
Going Forward… 100 beam crossings of statistics available (above plots used only 8) Need to finish coding observables Need to simulate the new correlation trajectories from Anne and Glen And then, the actual point of the study: take trajectories for which the results are interesting, and study how the sensitivity depends upon BeamCal geometry (nature of the cutout)
Degenerate SUSY Just an outline – more of our work is focusing here Complete transition to new framework (almost done) Need to find a way to reduce two-photon background cross section by 102 before generation (data storage limitations) Hadronic system event variables, including thrust and perhaps also razor variables Develop fast MC for BeamCal reconstruction Develop “prediction algorithm” to reject two-photon events for which neither the electron nor positron strike the BeamCal Explore interference of Bhabha events with two-photon background rejection And again, the actual point of the study is to use all this to explore the reach in mass splitting (stau - 10) as a function of BeamCal geometry, presence of anti-DID, and hermeticity…
BackUp BackUp… Bruce Schumm
GaAs 21 Mrad Exposure 38 38
GaAs Dark Current (-100 C) for 21 Mrad 45C anneal Room temp anneal 21 Mrad Exposure Before annealing Dark current as a function of annealing temp 39 39
GaAs Charge Collection (21 Mrad Exposure) Collected Charge (fC) Vbias (V) Charge Collection v. Bias and Annealing Temp 40 40
GaAs Charge Collection (21 Mrad Exposure) Try even higher annealing temperatures Higher exposure in next T506 run 21 Mrad Exposure Vbias = 600 V Slice at VB=600 vs. function annealing temp 41 41
Compare to Direct Electron Radiation Results (no EM Shower) A bit better performance than direct result kGy Pre-anneal Post-anneal at room temp Georgy Shelkov, JINR 1000 kGy = 100 Mrad 42 42
SiC Results Bohumir Zatko, Slovak Institute of Science 4H-SiC crystal geometry Irradiated to 80 Mrad 43 43
SiC Dark Current Before/After Annealing 80 Mrad Exposure 44 44
SiC Charge Collection after 80 Mrad @600 V, ~25% charge collection loss (60C annealing) 80 Mrad Exposure 45 45
Luc d'Hauthuille Bruce Schumm University of California, Santa Cruz Power Draw of the Beam Calorimeter as a function of Temperature & Radiation Dosage Luc d'Hauthuille Bruce Schumm University of California, Santa Cruz
Assumptions Power modeled as a function of radiation and temperature Power drawn scales linearly with radiation dosage Temperature dependent IV data was taken at SCIPP for a Si sensor exposed to 270 MRads of radiation after a 60˚C annealing process, by Cesar Gonzalez & Wyatt Crockett. A 3rd degree polynomial was fit to this I vs. T data, for a Bias Voltage = 600V
Overview The LCSIM framework was used to compute the energy deposited from 10 simulated background events (bunch crossings at 500 GeV collision energy) Energy deposited was then extrapolated for 3 years of runtime, and converted to radiation dosage Temperature was input and combined with radiation dosage to compute the power draw for each mm^2 pixel, at each layer, for 600V bias (charge-collection about 90% after 270 Mrad) Power draw of these pixels was plotted on a heatmap for a range of temperatures (-7, 0,7, 15 ˚C)
IV Curves at various Temperatures
Polynomial Fit for Temperature Dependent Current (600 V)
P(R,T) = (R/270MRads)*(600V)*I(T) Model for Power Draw Using these assumptions, power drawn by a pixel is: P(R,T) = (R/270MRads)*(600V)*I(T) where R is radiation dosage, T is temperature, 600V is the Bias Voltage and I(T) is the current given by the fit.
Layers 2 & 10 of BeamCal at T = 0˚C P_max = 4.59 mW (for a single mm2 pixel)
Power Drawn(Watts) of BeamCal collapsed T = -7 ˚C T = 0 ˚C P_total = 4.467 W P_total = 11.01 W P_max = 1.86 mW P_max = 4.59 mW (for a single pixel) (for a single pixel)
Total Power Draw (3 Years of Running with Si Diode Sensors Operating Temperature (0C) Total Power Draw (W) Maximum for 1mm2 Pixel (mW) 15 56 23 7 25 10 11 4.6 -7 4.5 1.9
Summary GaAs after 20 Mrad exposure retains low current. Charge loss severe but recovers with annealing. Need to try higher annealing temp and then larger exposure. 4H-SiC after 80 Mrad exposure suffers ~25% CC loss; possible annealing gain at higher temperatures. Currents remain low. Try higher temp and larger exposure also. PF and NF silicon diodes shows significant CC after 3-year equivalent dose. Significant currents but overall power draw still low. Additional diode sensors (up to ~600 Mrad) await evaluation. Sapphire sensors now characterized and mounted. Low-noise amplifier being commissioned. 55 55
BACKUP 56 56
Looking Forward Cointue GaAs, SiC annealing studies 300 Mrad exposures of PC, NC, NF silicon diode sensors awaiting evaluation PF sensor exposed to another 300 Mrad (total 550-600 Mrad); awaiting study Low-noise amlipfier (<300 electrons) under development for exporation of Sapphire sensors; initial probe evaluation underway. Ongoing offer for more beam time at SLAC, but large backlog of sensors to study at SCIPP 57 57
SiC CC Before/After Annealing 80 Mrad Exposure 58 58
Confirmed with RADFET to within 10% Dose Rates (Including 1 cm2 Rastering) Mean fluence (cm-2) per incident e- Confirmed with RADFET to within 10% Maximum dose rate (e.g. 10.6 GeV; 10 Hz; 150 pC per pulse): 20 Mrad per hour 59 59
Summer 2013: Initial Si Doses “P” = p-type “N” = n-type “F” = float zone “C” = Czochralski 60 60
T-506 Idea Embed sample sensors in tungsten: “Pre-radiator” (followed by ~50 cm air gap) spreads shower a bit before photonic component is generated “Post-radiator” brings shower to maximum just before sensor “Backstop” absorbs remaining power immediately downstream of sensor Realistic EM and hadronic doses in sensor, calibrated to EM dose
Charge Collection Measurement For strip sensors use multichannel readout Median Collected Charge Channel-over-threshold profile Efficiency vs. threshold 62 62
GaAs I-V after 21 Mrad Exposure (-10 C) At 600 V, about 0.7 A (0.0005 W) per cm2 GaAs IV GaAs Dose of 21 Mrad Post-anneal Pre-anneal 63 63
Results: NF Sensor to 90 Mrad, Plus Annealing Study Dose of 90 Mrad Limited beneficial annealing to 90oC (reverse annealing above 100oC?) 64 64
~15% charge loss at 300 ns shaping Results: NC sensors Dose of 220 Mrad Incidental annealing ~15% charge loss at 300 ns shaping 65 65
Results: PF sensors Doses of 5 and 20 Mrad No annealing 66 66
Results: PC sensors Dose of 20 Mrad No annealing 67 67
G.P. Summers et al., IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 40, 1372 (1993) Departure from NIEL (non-ionizing energy-loss) scaling observed for electron irradiation NIEL e- Energy 2x10-2 0.5 MeV 5x10-2 2 MeV 1x10-1 10 MeV 2x10-1 200 MeV G.P. Summers et al., IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 40, 1372 (1993) Also: for ~50 MRad illumination of 900 MeV electrons, little loss of charge collection seen for wide variety of sensors [S. Dittongo et al., NIM A 530, 110 (2004)] But what about the hadronic component of EM shower? 68 68
Results: NF sensor for low dose Doses of 5 and 20 Mrad No annealing 69 69