A Peek at This Week in… Ms. Bonick’s 4th Grade Reminders Math Reading Friday, Sept. 9 Reminders Students should be reading at home every night at least 20 minutes! Math This week, students continued working on place value relationships, using place value to compare numbers using <, >, and =. Reading Students reviewed book genres and took on the giant task of organizing their classroom library by genre! This was great practice for them! We are still in need of glue sticks! We need A LOT! Keep ‘em coming! Writing Students spent time thinking about their hopes and dreams for 4th grade. They wrote about their biggest goal for themselves this year. They also stated how they will accomplish this goal. Upcoming Events Religion Wednesday, Sept. 14 is picture day! Be sure to return your picture order form to Ms. Bonick! We have had such great discussions in Religion! This week, we talked about God’s word to us and we are exploring the Sacred Scripture, the Bible.