Geometric Solids.


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Presentation transcript:

Geometric Solids

What is a geometric solid?

What is a geometric solid? A closed three dimensional object made up of flat surfaces which are geometric shapes.

How do we classify solids? We classify solids based on their faces, edges and vertices.

The flat surface on a solid figure What IS a face? The flat surface on a solid figure

The line where two faces meet. What is an edge? The line where two faces meet.

The corner where edges and faces meet. What is a vertex? The corner where edges and faces meet.

1.) Explain how faces, edges, and vertices are different. SUMMARY 1.) Explain how faces, edges, and vertices are different.

What do these all have in common? Prisms What do these all have in common? They all have at least one set of parallel faces. A prism is a solid with parallelograms for sides and a set of parallel, congruent bases.

Parallel faces are Triangles Triangular Prisms Parallel faces are Triangles

Parallel faces are Rectangles Rectangular Prisms Parallel faces are Rectangles

Cubes All faces are squares

What are these Prisms? Octagonal Prism Hexagonal Prism Pentagonal Prism

SUMMARY 1.) What is a prism?

What do these all have in common? They all come to a point at the top. Pyramids What do these all have in common? They all come to a point at the top. A pyramid is a solid with triangular sides and only one base.

Rectangular Pyramids The base is a rectangle

Triangular Pyramids The base is a triangle

Which are pyramids? Pyramid NOT a pyramid Pyramid NOT a pyramid

2.) Would you rather be a pyramid or a prism? Why? SUMMARY 1.) What is a pyramid? 2.) Would you rather be a pyramid or a prism? Why?

Prism vs. Pyramids Pyramids Prisms One base Triangular sides Point at top No parallel faces Two bases Rectangular sides No point at top Parallel faces Polygons Base Face 3D

SUMMARY 1.) Describe some differences between pyramids and prisms. 2.) How could you turn a prism into a pyramid?

What do these all have in common? Cylinders What do these all have in common? They all have a set of parallel circular bases. A cylinder is a solid with a set of parallel, congruent, circular bases.

The parallel bases are circles Cylinders The parallel bases are circles

2.) How is a cylinder like a prism? SUMMARY 1.) What is a cylinder? 2.) How is a cylinder like a prism?

What do these all have in common? Cones What do these all have in common? They all have a circle at the bottom and a point at the top. A cone is a solid with one circular base and a point at the top.

Cones The one base is a circle

2.) What do you think it would feel like to be a cone? SUMMARY 1.) What is a cone? 2.) What do you think it would feel like to be a cone?

Cylinders vs. cones Cones Cylinders One base Point at top No parallel faces Two bases No point at top Parallel faces circles Base Face 3D

1.) Describe some differences between cylinders and cones. SUMMARY 1.) Describe some differences between cylinders and cones. 2.) Draw a picture of something in real life that contains a cylinder and a cone put together.