Item 12 Welcome Back Day 2 1
Methods of the Course – Part 2 Presentations Plenary discussions Small group work & role play Live “mini” appraisals – appraiser; appraisee; observer giving feedback (videoed) 2
Objectives of Day 2 Guiding an appraisee in developing a PDP Enhanced understanding and skills in preparing for an appraisal interview Conduct an appraisal which engages & stimulates the appraisee Discuss ‘difficult appraisals’ 3
Structure of the day Role play with fictional PDPs Further development of generic appraisal skills The live “mini” appraisal – 40 minutes, then 20 minutes feedback & discussion (all in the small group) Discussion about ‘difficult appraisals’ 4
Respect confidentiality Ground Rules Time keeping Mobile phones Respect confidentiality Avoid jargon 5
Personal Development Plans A key outcome of the appraisal interview 6
Key Questions What – develop or do differently? Be specific Item 12 Key Questions What – develop or do differently? Be specific Why – how did you identify? and relevance? How – will you learn this? Knowledge/skills/attitude? When - Timescale? How - will you know you have achieved objective? How – will you demonstrate this? 7
Under Developed Example Development need: Update on eating disorders How will I address the need? Reading Timescale: In the next year Outcome: I will feel more confident about this 8
Better Example Development need: The management of patients with eating disorders, specifically anorexia nervosa. I realised after a difficult clinical situation when a patient was under my care who was anorexic, that I was not confident in managing these patients. 9
How will I address the need? I have arranged to discuss this case with a colleague who specialises in this condition – in the next two weeks. Before this I will carry out an internet search for resources - review articles, online learning. Ask my colleague for suggestions about any other suitable resources. 10
Time scale Internet Search and discuss with colleague - within the next two months. Review any changes to management over the next year. 11
Outcome I will write up this case as a clinical case review. I will present this at our clinical meeting. I will discuss with our specialist trainees. 12
PDPs – remember!! Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant/Realistic Time specific 13
A Quick Reminder! 14
Three Roles Appraiser Appraisee Observer 15
As an appraiser … Open positively and constructively Cover confidentiality & caveats Check agenda still relevant Keep discussion on track Probe & challenge Summarise at end of key sections with agreed outcomes/action points. Take notes for completion of Form 4. Action plan/PDP relevant & owned by appraisee 16
As an appraisee … Understands the principles of the scheme Uses the interview to gain insight & to address professional needs Willing to spend time preparing Able to listen Assertive: confident enough to seek and handle challenges from appraiser & to express their needs Able to reflect on & analyse past performance & events 17
As an observer … Focus on appraisal skills & techniques Take notes with examples to support views/opinion Structure feedback logically Be supportive to appraiser but don’t fudge issues – address areas which could have been handled differently, or better, with suggestions! 18
Difficult Appraisals What appraisals do you think may cause you difficulty and why? How can you address these difficulties? What support would help? 19
End of day evaluation Please complete the post course evaluation form Any further questions? Contact 20