EUROPE CHANGES THE WORLD Due to Renaissance & Scientific Revolution: Humanists focus on abilities of humans Scientists develop new ways of approaching the unknown - observation, experiments, & math Newton (gravity), Copernicus & Kepler (heliocentric theory, elliptical rotation of planets), Galileo (telescope) & Harvey (circulation of blood)
NATURE OF HUMANS: THE BAD Philosophers question behavior of humans – Natural Laws THOMAS HOBBES - wrote Leviathon describes people as naturally evil & selfish W/o strong government (absolute power) life would be “nasty, brutish, & short” People driven by greed “The condition of man is war-like & government helps keep order”
NATURE OF HUMANS: THE GOOD JOHN LOCKE- wrote Two Treatises of Government describes people as reasonable & moral The best kind of government is one that’s accepted by majority of citizens “Men are free, equal, & independent” Ideas influenced the US Declaration of Independence & French Revolution Right to life, liberty, & property
FRENCH INFLUENCE BARON DE MONTESQUIEU - wrote The Spirit of the Laws greatly respected limited monarch of Britain Suggested protection from tyranny (abuse of power) b/c had created 3 separate branches of government w/individual power & shared power (U.S. Constitution, French Constitution) “In order to have liberty, there should be government…power should be a check to power”
ENLIGHTENMENT WRITERS philosophes - “lovers of wisdom” AROUET (pen name: VOLTAIRE) – used satire (witty but sarcastic) to write about abuses in society in book Candide Said to avoid excessive idealism & improve human existence through freedom of speech “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
ENLIGHTENMENT WRITERS, II DIDEROT - wrote Encyclopedia (28 volumes) collected articles regarding all topics: science, politics, economics, slavery, human rights, religion, etc. Pope threatened to excommunicate Catholics who read it! Translations helped spread Enlightenment ideas across Europe
DOWN WITH MONARCHS! JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU – wrote The Social Contract people were naturally good, but corrupted by evils of society, especially unequal distribution of property (rich v. poor) Freely formed government is not an abuse of power & will of majority must be heard; benefit of many over benefit of few (direct democracy) Government should protect common good “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains…”