Romeo and Juliet PROLOGUE
What is a CHORUS in Drama? The character(s) who speak(s) the prologue and comments on the course of events. (kind of like a newscaster observing and commenting on events)
What is a PROLOGUE? An introductory scene, used to call attention to the theme and basic conflict of a play.
Directions: Identify and mark up the rhyme scheme and iambic pentameter of the prologue. Read through the prologue and talk to the text. Rewrite the prologue in modern-day language.
Two households, both alike in dignity [Enter] Chorus Two households, both alike in dignity (In fair Verona, where we lay our scene), From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. [i] dignity: social position [ii] mutiny: riot [iii] civil: of citizens, also (ironically) civilized