Ivan Perić University of Heidelberg Germany DCD4_Pipeline Ivan Perić University of Heidelberg Germany
DCDB4_Pipeline Features: Pipeline ADC (designed sampling rate ~ 50ns) New digital block (designed for up to 640MHz, low power serializers) Analog common mode correction (can be switched) Temperature stabile reference High precision calibration DAC The measurement results on single chips are good
DCDBPip TIA ADC 200 µm 5 mm
Pipelined vs. Cyclic ADC Algorithm: Copy here copy there Compare with threshold add reference Subtract two outputs (duplicate) Pipeline ADC Memory cell ADC1 ADC2 MSB cell LSB cells 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hi Lo Cyclic ADC approach - Algorithm performed cyclically (ping pong wise) by two memory cell pairs - Two ADCs per channel - 200ns sampling rate/ADC - ADC clocked with 100MHz - Pipeline ADC approach - Algorithm performed as in production line by 8 memory cell pairs - One ADC per channel - 100ns sampling rate when clocked with 50MHz - Designed for 50 ns sampling rate
DCDB4_Pipeline Measurement results on 4.1. module 3 Columns are measured 6 and 7 are ok 1 – LSB does not work (wire bond problem) Column 2 – one of the significant bits does not work (wire bond problem)
DCDB4_Pipeline at 320MHz – new settings Measurements done at 320MHz Settings: On the generators: VDDA: 2.15V (364mA) GNDA: 0V VDDD: 2.0V (176mA) GNDD: 0V AMPLOW: 1.7V (247mA) REFIN: 1.05V (50mA) Measured on sense lines: VDDA: 1.86V GNDA: 0.14V VDDD: 1.864V GNDD: 0.077V AMPLOW: 0.485V REFIN: 1.0 Power consumption ~ 1.33mW Bias currents for DCDRO: 0.28mA (LVDSin) and 5.45mA (LVDSout)
Test all ADCs – fit (-100 to 125) …
Test all ADCs – fit (-100 to 125) … ADC gain 72nA/LSB (~110e @ gq 650pA/e) Noise: ~0.55LSB (60e @ gq 650pA/e) 220e 275e
Test one ADC – fit (-100 to 125) …
DCDB4_Pipeline at 320MHz VDDA varied +/- 50mV and AMPLOW +/- 50mA No influence on the chip
DCDB4_Pipeline 3 out of four columns tested Noise ~40nA@320MHz A few channels sensitive – they show missing codes around values -64 or 64 The problem is old, it exists since DCD1, now it has been understood – poor matching of transistors, the fix is to increase the setting VPSuorce with respect to VPFB and VPSource2 (good values for Sc., FB, Sc2.: 80, 70, 70) VDDA, AMPLOW do not influence the behavior significantly REFIN should be correct within +/- 50mV Analog CMC tested and works Band-Gap reference works Current consumption at 320MHz: VDDA: 364mA+AMPLOW (DCDB3 286mA+AMPLOW) (change +78mA) AMPLOW: 247mA (DCDB3 182 mA) (change +65mA) VDDD: 176mA (DCDB3 268mA) (change -92mA) Total change: +51mA DCDB4 tested even at 500MHz clock rate (64ns sampling time) and works