Mind’s On Look at your course outline – Using the Description and Units make a list of important questions you think need to be addressed in the section you have been given Also consider some of the great discussion we’ve had the past few days as well!
Unit 1 – Indigenous Worldviews 1. What is Indigenous? Definition Stereotypes Representation and/or misrepresentation in the media Status 2. How Have Indigenous People Maintained Their Worldview? Stories/Myths Language Art Food
Unit 2 – Developing Relationships 3. What was the nature of the initial relationship between Indigenous peoples and colonial powers? Discovery – USA, Canada, Aust., NZ Early Trade – Fur Trade, Métis 4. What conflicts arose after initial contact? Seven Years War War of 1812
5. How did treaties and other ‘agreements’ reflect a changing relationship? Treaty of Waitangi Numbered Treaties 6. Which outside forces (events/policies) shifted the relationship from respect to domination? Indian Act, Aborigines Protection Act (Japan) Resistance – Red River, Northwest (Batoche) Residential Schools (Aust., Canada)
Unit 3 – Challenges and Response 7. What has been the response from Indigenous groups and world organizations to past issues/domination? UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples Political action (Tibet) NGO’s 8. What current external forces are impacting Indigenous peoples and their traditional ways of life? “Commodification of culture” Ecotourism Destructive environmental practices
9. Who are Indigenous heroes and why are they often ignored? Use examples from entire course Past and present
Unit 4 – Renewal and Reconciliation 10. Where does the relationship go from here? Apologies and reconciliation Political, social and economic Changing demographics Land/resource issues