Figure Legend: From: A moving-barber-pole illusion


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Presentation transcript:

Figure Legend: From: A moving-barber-pole illusion Journal of Vision. 2014;14(5):1. doi:10.1167/14.5.1 Figure Legend: Cartoon illustration of the moving-barber-pole display. (a) A realistic scenario in which a moving truck carries three active barber poles. The truck and the carrier gratings inside each pole move independently. In this cartoon illustration, the truck moves horizontally to the left (the modulator) and the gratings within the barber poles (the carrier) translate diagonally up to the right. Therefore, motion of the bar terminators or end-stop motion is up to the left. Although the stimuli in the experiments are generated as the product of a modulator sinewave grating and a carrier sinewave grating viewed through a Gaussian window, they appear very much as the barber poles on moving truck would appear. (b) Remarkably, a stimulus identical to (a) can be produced by moving a snapshot of the barber poles in a particular direction, the direction of rigid translation, which depends on the speed and direction of the modulator and of the carrier. Date of download: 10/28/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.