DST/ MRC South African Population Research Infrastructure Network (SAPRIN) Director: Associate Prof Mark Collinson SAMRC; Wits University (mark.collinson@mrc.ac.za) Deputy Director: Dr Kobus Herbst SAMRC; Africa Health Research Institute (kherbst@ahri.org)
Intractable health, social and economic problems: High levels of inequality (Gini ~ 0.65) High unemployment rates (27%) Colliding epidemics of HIV/TB, other chronic illnesses, and injuries Relevance of a National Research infrastructure: Provide individualised and household micro-data: encompassing whole communities updated on a regular basis Provide a platform for intervention testing and policy evaluation
South African Population Research Infrastructure Network (SAPRIN) of Health, Demographic and Socio-Economic Surveillance (HDSS) Nodes Heath, Demographic and Socio-Economic Surveillance (HDSS) Nodes Existing Nodes New Nodes to be developed Eastern Cape, Rural Western Cape, Urban Dikgale, Limpopo, Peri-urban eThekwini, KZN, Urban Agincourt, Mpumalanga, Rural AHRI, KZN, Rural Gauteng, Urban Data generated: Standardised, population-based data in geographically-defined sections of impoverished communities Repeated longitudinal updates of population, health, social and economic data Population data linked to service utilisation data: health services, schools and civil registration Applications: Accurately measure trends in health, population, social and economic indicators, and causal mechanisms A platform for intervention research and policy evaluation Calibration and validation of national datasets Early warning system for dire population issues Embedding post-graduate training and research career development
Africa Health Research Institute HDSS KwaZulu-Natal Province Dikgale HDSS Limpopo Province Started in 1996 Agincourt HDSS Mpumalanga Province Started in 1992 Pop: 111 000 Pop: 35 000 The NRI will improve the evidence base for decision-making: Starting with the first three rural nodes the NRI with immediate impact because it is the amalgamation of the existing research infrastructures in the three existing HDSS nodes. Africa Health Research Institute HDSS KwaZulu-Natal Province Started in 2000 Pop: 100 000 4.5 million person years of observation
5 year - Implementation Plan
A South African Population Research Infrastructure Node Nodal Research (hosting institutions) Hosted Research (national research community) Income from external funding Computing Services (CHPC +) Networking Services (SANReN) Data Services (DIRISA) National ICT Support Data Repository Bio-Repository Health, Demographic and Socio-Economic Surveillance (HDSS) Node Household Surveillance Individual Surveillance Service Utilisation Income from DST Standard Operations & Data
Research Agenda: Routine, ongoing, longitudinal data-collection will occur in key domains of health, social and economic well-being in South Africa’s vulnerable populations. Population Health Births and Deaths (by cause) Disease and risk factor monitoring (HIV, Hypertension and Body Mass Index) Health care utilisation Childhood immunisation Food Security Social well-being Household dynamics Residence Status and migration Education status and schooling Economic well-being Socio-economic status Labour status Social protection
Key Partners and Beneficiaries National, regional and international collaborators – universities, research councils, Centres of Excellence, networks (e.g. INDEPTH and SAEON), other RIs Communities – key partnership with host communities Policy makers – national, provincial (Presidency, Health, Social Dev, Basic Education, Home Affairs, … ) Statistics South Africa Local Government- municipal planning across multiple sectors
Scientific Productivity Full bibliography available on-line: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/167HgjBWymgQx/bibliography/47041610/public/?sort=date&direction=ascending.
Post-graduate capacity development NRI provides an amazing environment for embedding post graduate students
SAPRIN Launch Official SAPRIN Launch – IUSSP International Population Conference – Cape Town 29Oct-4Nov 1 November 2017 – Africa Day – evening launch DST Minister; SAMRC; INDEPTH Network National and international stakeholders, scientists, funders Pre-conference event HDSS Data Palooza – 1 day intensive analytic workshop Providing hands-on experience with HDSS longitudinal data – as a prelude to making data publicly available.