Digital Cameras: White Balance Getting the Color Right By Robert J. Courtemanche, CJE Galena Park HS, Texas Permission for use granted for any classroom teacher in a public or not-for profit / non-profit school system.
Why White Balance? White balance is important to keep your photos the correct color right out of the camera. Color correcting with software takes time and is hard work.
Why White Balance? Light comes in many colors Sunlight is blue Tungsten light is yellow Fluorescent light is green Fire is red
How To White Balance? Most cameras will have white balance under the menu or function settings. Look for the WB or white balance.
White Balance Settings Sunny For Use OUTDOORS in full sunlight conditions
White Balance Settings Cloudy For Use either OUTDOORS on cloudy or mostly cloudy days.
White Balance Settings Tungsten / Incandescent Bulbs For Use INDOORS with tungsten or incandescent lighting
White Balance Settings Fluorescent For Use either INDOORS with fluorescent bulbs. Some cameras may also have a Fluorescent-H setting for older types of bulbs.
White Balance Settings Flash For Use whenever you use the flash.
White Balance Settings Shade For Use OUTDOORS in shady conditions
White Balance Settings Custom White Balance For Use either INDOORS or OUTDOORS in any lighting. You will need something pure white.