Welcome to Open House
Our Purpose Tonight Learn about what is expected of your student in the 7th grade. Find out about 7th grade common policies and procedures. Meet & greet your student’s teachers
introductions Math Miss Vernasco Mr. McNiece Mr. Ousley Mrs. Davis
Language Arts Mrs. Hill Miss Miller
Social Studies Mrs. Etter Mrs. Sloffer
Science Mrs. Harding Mrs. Rowland
Study Hall Mrs. Ginder Mrs. Bushee Mr. Teeple Mrs. Zerull
Related Arts Teachers Mr. Wagner Mrs. Roush Mr. Herr Mrs. Asplund Mr. Etter Ms. Miller Mrs. Hesterman Mr. Wagner Mrs. Bushee Mr. Teeple Mrs. Chronister
Contacting Teachers Email Addresses Available from info sent home or from NACS corporation website Please include appropriate subject heading (child’s Name) If you don’t hear back, please call Available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings before school.
NACS Website www.nacs.k12.in.us Homework is posted daily in an easy-to-print format! Power School – You can access student grades, announcements, SNAP account information, absences, library fines, and calendar on Power School Canvas Calendar – Assignments, etc. Great for when your student has been absent.
Late Passes Students receive two late passes per quarter Can be used to turn homework assignments one day late with no penalty Not good for quizzes, tests, or projects
Changes taking place. More to come!!! ISTEP Testing Changes taking place. More to come!!! NWEA Testing Taken 3 times per year. Used for placement in Math and Language Arts
Parent/Teacher Conferences October 21 Conferences will be scheduled by teachers for the parents we need to meet with the most. If we don’t contact you but you would like to meet another day, we can meet during our team time. Please monitor Power School for grades and progress.
Technology Laptops are considered school property. (Need to be charged nightly) Many classes have online textbooks. No Ipods or Smartphones (too tough to monitor) Wi-Fi is available for internet access
car drop-off Procedures When dropping off your student, please pull forward as far as possible in the green zone. No students walking across the parking lot to meet drivers.
Thank you for coming! Please use this time to introduce yourself to your child’s teachers and tour the building.