Welcome to Coach Newton’s World Geography Class Please have a seat Get out a Pen/Pencil, & Paper Answer the following questions What is your Name? Date of birth? What is your favorite Social Media App? What video game do you play most? If you could go any where in the world, City, & Country where would it be and why? F. What do you hope to see there? G. Using your phone google three facts about the country or city you have chosen.
Materials you will need for class. Map Pencils Box of Kleenex Hand sanitizer Construction Paper
Contact Coach Jeff Newton, or to get info on class assignments. Email: Jeffery.newton@misd.org Twitter: @coachjnewt Reminder: Please text, @mrjnewt to 81010 Web sight: http://schools.misd.org/page/JefferyNewton-Home Tutorial time: Tuesdays 6:30am – 7:10am
World Geography Syllabus Course Objectives: To give students a better understanding of the different types of landforms on the earth, including oceans, mountains, weather & climate, as well as populations and why they live & what they do for a living in that region Grades: Grades will consist of daily work & major grades in the form of exams of projects. Daily work is any assignment that takes two days or less to complete. Major grades are any assignment that is an exam or project that takes two or more days to complete. We will try two major grades a six weeks.
Testing Schedule: Social Studies (World Geography) – Tuesday & Friday Testing info: Cheating: Circumstances where a prolonged illness involved, an extension of this limit may be arranged between the teacher and student. Exceptions to the normal make- up policy include instances when the deadline communicated in advance of an absence. Example: research paper due on or before May 3rd. Exams missed are to be taken outside of class time within the make-up period at the convenience of the teacher. Students are usually informed of exams in advance. Pre-announced exams will be taken when the student returns to school after being absent unless other arrangements are made at the teacher’s discretion. Students who are truant will not be considered an extenuation circumstance for attendance purposes and make-up work will be allowed for 70% credit of work completed. Failure to do the work within the designated time may result in a grade of zero. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. The party or parties involved will be given a zero on the assignment and also be issued a detention. Cheating includes: Looking at another student’s paper, copying of any assignment, taking assignments out of the trays to copy them.
Class Materials: Bring the following materials to class EVERYDAY: 1. Pen/Pencil 2. Notebook 3. Construction Paper 4. Map Pencils
Seating: There will be assigned seating Seating: There will be assigned seating. You are expected to be in you assigned seat ready to go by the time the tardy bell rings. Warm-Up Assignments: You will have a warm up assignment everyday as soon as you sit down in your seat. These assignments will be graded at the end of the school week. Warms ups will be completed and kept under the warm up tab in your notebook.
Other Procedures: Once class has started no one will be allowed to leave class without a pass. Also once class has started no one will be allowed to get up and move around the room unless given permission. This includes sharpening pencils, & Throwing trash away. This needs to be done before and after class.
Class Rules All class rules are based off of one word: Respect. 1. You will respect me and I will in turn respect you. This pertains to coming to class prepared, speaking when recognized, and behaving the way you are supposed to. 2. You will respect this classroom and everything in it. Leave the room the way you found it. 3. You will respect each other. Keep your hands, feet and comments to yourself. 4. You will respect others who come into this classroom. 5. You will respect yourself. You know how you are supposed to act when you are in a classroom. Do not make me think otherwise.
Other Do’s and Don’ts: 1. NO food or drink in the classroom. Exception to this is note from doctor or school nurse stating otherwise. 2. Electronic Devices can be used under teacher direction. Only when the teacher allows it.