NWEA Account Executive IN & TN NWEA's Mission: Partnering to help all kids learn NWEA & the Growth Mindset: Measuring Student Growth to Inform Instructional Practices Lynne S. Kulich, Ph.D. NWEA Account Executive IN & TN
Kulich Kids 2003
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the……”
Apples vs. Oranges
Apples vs. Apples
INPEA’s Challenge To know what students are ready to learn and to maximize growth for every student in Indiana. As educators the challenge is to know what students are ready to learn and to maximize growth for every student.
INPEA’s Solution Measures of Academic Progress Computer adaptive assessments, unique to each student Powered by over 40 years of academic research Efficient, more data with fewer questions Immediate results for everyone With more than 40 years of data MAP is the most efficient and effective interim assessment tool in today’s market. We continue to synthesize our data to further sharpen our instruments in order to provide you with reliable and actionable data.
Uses for MAP Data Gifted and Talented Screener RTI Screener and Progress Monitoring Program Placement Formative Assessment Measure Growth Predict Growth Project Proficiency Data to Inform Instruction College & Career Readiness Indicator MAP will allow your teachers and administrators to use fewer assessments and garner more data for more purposes! MAP measures and predicts both achievement and growth with a valid and reliable scale.
Who is NWEA?
Northwest Evaluation Association™ Founded by Educators Mission Driven, Not-for-Profit Assessment, Professional Development, and Research We focus on providing assessment and PD to help teachers know how to differentiate instruction to best meet students’ needs. NWEA's Mission: Partnering to help all kids learn
Agenda: How MAP Works The Scale The Test The Data The Reports The Support
The Scale
The RIT Scale 220 Equal interval, grade-level independent, stable 210 200 190 180 170 160 The RIT Scale Equal interval, grade-level independent, stable Measures student achievement and test item difficulty Designed to measure longitudinal growth over time Consistent scale connects MAP and MAP for Primary Grades Our scale, the RIT (Rasch Unit) scale, is a stable equal-interval vertical scale. After every MAP® interim assessment, each student receives a score that helps illuminate what he or she knows, is ready to learn, and is projected to achieve. And thanks to something no other interim assessment offers—a mature, reliable, and stable scale—you can trust that the scores you see are both accurate and fair.
And connects kids to the skills and concepts they are ready to learn. The RIT scale also measures item difficulty 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 193 193 – Uses models to compare angles relative to right angles We know the individual item difficulty level.
Rasch Unit – RIT Scale Let’s take a look 212 The RIT Scale is an Item Difficulty Scale 225 192 Every item in the NWEA item bank has a RIT difficulty calibration assigned to the item. Let’s take a look I want you to take a look at these three students- Sam, John, and Ben. Think of them as students in your classroom. They come to you with all these ingredients we cannot control. We have to take all of them. We don’t get to “pick and choose” the ones we want. As educators, growth is the single factor we can control.
220 210 200 190 180 170 160 Who had a better year?
Does this change your mind? 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 Does this change your mind?
The Test
Fixed Form Testing? (Benchmark or Summative) Adult Reading X x x x x x x 5th Grade x x x x x x X Is it feasible that teachers can make numerous high quality benchmark assessments – even with item banks. Do they understand the blueprinting process to maximize the use of items available? What if they don’t have items? Do we have the time? It will take you three years to get a reliable and valid version of a locally developed benchmark assessment. It will take years beyond that to integrate a growth model or calculation into that sequence of well-aligned district assessments. Beginning Literacy
A Typical 5th Grade Math Class 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 3 Students in a fifth grade class are performing at all different grade levels. The MAP assessment will pin point the grade level and skill sets of all students in this class.
Computer Adaptive Testing Item difficulty level adjusts to the student Grade-level independent Identifies Zone of Proximal Development Requires fewer test items than fixed form tests Provides precise data
How Adaptive Tests Work 235 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 250 How Adaptive Tests Work Advanced Item Difficulty (RIT) Proficient 193 MAP begins asking questions at the designated grade level of that student. If the student answers correctly then the next question is at a higher RIT level. The assessment continues until a reliable and valid RIT score with a minimal SEM is achieved. Test Questions Right answer Wrong answer Standard error
The Data
Student Performance Data The RIT score – overall performance by subject area; measures growth over time Goal Area RIT Range – Indicates goal specific performance. Ties directly to instructional data Lexile® Score – Connects students to appropriately challenging reading material
Projecting Proficiency NWEA Linking Studies – connects performance on MAP to state summative tests Projects Performance – by Indiana specific performance category for each student Positioned to project performance on new state tests as data become available this summer MAP is aligned to the IN standards and will be linked to your latest version of ISTEP once data is released from this testing year.
Achievement Status Norms – Normative Data Norming Study – pool of 10.2 million students Achievement Status Norms – grade level percentile ranks Growth Norms – (CGI) growth for every student based on grade level, starting score, and instructional time AKA growth percentiles Norming Study – drawn from pool of 10.2 million students, representative of U.S. school population Status Norms – Grade level percentile ranks put student RIT scores in context Growth Norms – Projects growth for every student based on grade level, starting score, and instructional time
College & Career Readiness College Readiness Benchmark Study Reading, ACT=22 Math, ACT=22 Grade RIT Benchmark MAP Percentile 5 214.70 59 225.58 61 6 219.59 232.34 66 7 223.73 65 238.06 70 8 227.10 67 242.73 74 9 229.72 69 246.36 Access the 2015 MAP College Readiness Benchmarks Study here: https://www.nwea.org/resources/map-college-readiness-benchmarks/ Access the 2015 MAP Comparative Data to Inform Instructional Decisions here: https://www.nwea.org/resources/2015-comparative-data/
College Explorer Tool https://www.nwea.org/research/innovation-leadership/research-data-galleries/mapping-the-road-to-college/ You can demonstrate the tool by clicking on this link. It is really
Learning Continuum Actionable: Connects RIT scores to skills and concepts students are ready to learn Approachable: Easy to understand Learning Statements connected to your standards Flexible: Multiple report views to meet different needs MAP’s Learning Continuum will provide teachers with exact skill sets/concepts, based on the IN standards, that students are ready to learn.
Achievement & Growth Reports
Insights at Every Level Students Students use MAP results to set growth goals for themselves – deepening their engagement and ownership of learning. Teachers Teachers differentiate instruction, identify instructional resources, and collaborate with the child’s whole learning team to monitor growth. School and District Leaders Administrators use the data for flexible grouping, program evaluations, resource allocation and proficiency projections.
Add new immediate report
The Student Profile presents key student data, all in one place The Student Profile presents key student data, all in one place. The interactive report lets you quickly see how the student is growing, as well as what the student needs next to support continued growth. This report makes it faster and easier than ever to use data to differentiate instruction. [CLICK]
Notice the Help icon on the right side corner in the Mathematics tab Notice the Help icon on the right side corner in the Mathematics tab. This legend will explain the colors you see for each tab. Green shows the student’s score is above grade-level average. Yellow is at about grade-level average and Red is below grade-level average. The colors are based off of the district mean but in future releases we will use the normative quintiles instead. [CLICK]
You can click each tab to focus on a specific subject area You can click each tab to focus on a specific subject area. The Comparisons and Instructional Areas modules adjust dynamically and instantly with respects to the subject area. [CLICK]
In Language Arts Tyra shows Relative Strength for Language: Understand, Edit Mechanics. But let’s take a look back at Mathematics. [CLICK]
Notice that Operations and Algebraic Thinking is a suggested area of focus. This information helps direct where a student should spend some additional time working on goals that would help fill their knowledge gaps. In the Comparisons module, it contains, in one place, how students are projected to perform on your state summative test if NWEA has conducted a linking study and around College Readiness using ACT benchmark and score data.
While you are in the Student Profile report you can adjust the test term and… [CLICK]
Select other students without having to go back to the home screen Select other students without having to go back to the home screen. This is just one of the many enhancements NWEA is making to deliver a seamless and intuitive experience for you. [CLICK]
Applying Teacher & Class Reports
At potential “academic risk” Potential for acceleration/ advancement
Class Breakdowns can help “guide instruction”
Filtering capabilities allow a teacher to show the class how everyone is doing and/or discuss with parents where their child is at in the quadrant.
The selections on the right allow you to reveal students in specific subjects (pictured). As well as filter by subject, gender, ethnicity, etc Who is achieving at a high level AND growing?
Reveal students across other filter options, like gender. Click a student name to reveal greater detail.
Skills Mastery and Progress Monitoring Assessment Skills Navigator is a skills mastery and progress monitoring assessment solution that helps educators save time by pinpointing discrete skill gaps and focusing instruction to support student learning.
Monitoring Progress, Measuring Growth Progress Monitoring & Skills Mastery Progress Monitoring & Skills Mastery g MAP Interim Assessment Fall Winter Spring Skills Navigator Skills Navigator In a school year, an educator will monitor student growth and use the data to inform instruction to help students with different needs. So at the beginning of the year, we determine a baseline for the student with the fall assessment to establish: A Start-of-year status Growth norms measurement Determine Proficiency Projections Student Goal Setting Screening Differentiation Then throughout the year the educator needs to be able to measure and monitor progress and skills mastery to ensure the student is on the growth path. This is where Skills Navigator comes in. It is a tool that when used along side MAP, it is an extension of the assessment process. A teacher can see the skills that a student needs to work on and immediately assign instruction to help every student in the classroom grow. Educators also are able to monitor progress of students in RTI programs. Then continuing through the school year, the educator conducts a mid-year interim assessment for: Mid-year status Growth norms With the results from the mid-year interim assessment conducted with MAP reveals where a student is in their learning growth…then extended the assessment process with Skills Navigator provides additional and insightful showing distinct areas of where a student is and what they are ready to learn. The teacher is gearing up towards end-of-year assessment to establish: End-of-year status Growth norms – where the student growth has put them Screening -
Check Evidence of Learning Access Open Educational Resources Identify Skills Check Evidence of Learning Access Open Educational Resources Monitor Progress With that in mind, Skills Navigator is a classroom assessment ideally suited for use with individuals and small groups. NWEA worked closely with educators and students to design this engaging tool that helps teachers close achievement gaps, use data to guide instruction, and support kids with diverse needs. Designed for readers and up, Skills Navigator helps you easily accomplish four key tasks: Identify the skills students are ready to learn Provide access to instructional resources to meet students specific needs, on, above, or below grade level. Monitor student progress towards mastery Check evidence of skill learning
NWEA would love to partner with you, too. Thank you! NWEA would love to partner with you, too. Our Lady of Hungary School in South Bend, IN just received the 2016 IREAD scores. I am so excited to report that 90% of our students passed! All native Spanish speakers passed the assessment! This is huge news! Two years ago, 1 student passed the exam. Last year was better as we began to implement MAP. 65% of the students passed. Since the implementation of NWEA assessments in November of 2014, we have made tremendous improvement.