Questions The 6 Question Types
Knowledge Who? What? When? Where? How? Describe… e.g. What were some of the things that Goldilocks did in the house of the Three Bears?
Comprehension Retell… e.g. Retell the story of Goldilocks to a friend in your own words.
Application How is … an example of …? How is … related to …? Why is … significant? e.g. If Goldilocks had come into your house, what are some of the things she might have used?
Analysis What are the parts of …? Classify … How does … compare/contrast with …? What evidence can you list for …? e.g. What parts of the story could not have actually happened?
Create What would you predict from …? What ideas can you add to? What solutions would you suggest for …? e.g. How might the story have been different if Goldilocks had visited 3 fish?
Evaluation Do you agree …? What do you think about …? What is the most important …? e.g. Was Goldilocks a good or bad person? Why do you think so?