Lesson Plans 4, 11, 17b, and 21 Corel Painter Autodesk Maya Laura Giannitrapani laura@bu.edu
Corel Painter Image manipulation – editing or combining images from photos, scans or other computer graphics sources. Painting - a paint system with very powerful and intuitive digital paint brushes and media. Flipbooks – simple animation creation and playback.
Image Manipulation Source images Tools and functions Images for DAFFIE Photos from the sand painting Photos from the trip to Chaco Canyon Tools and functions Images for DAFFIE Use as texture maps Technical considerations
Detail from Fall’06 Final Project
Painting Brushes Mixing colors
Detail from Fall’06 Final Project
Flipbooks Sequencing images Frame Stacks Workflow
Two frames from Venancio Aragon’s flipbook animation
Frames from the Flipbook project positioned in a DAFFIE environment
Maya Jim Prewett 3D modeling Animation Considerations for DAFFIE
Maya session of Jaycee’s deer model
The Deer in the DAFFIE environment