Multi-Tiered System Of Supports (MTSS)
MTSS Big idea-All students can learn!!!
What is MTSS? It’s a process… That uses test information to identify if students may be at risk for future learning problems. Matches appropriate instruction to student need. Uses brief evaluation to make sure the student is being successful. Monitor if the curriculum and instruction are helping students succeed.
Essential Components of MTSS
Key Principles of MTSS Intervene early Use research-based/evidence based curriculum and instruction. Make data based decisions. Encourage parental-involvement in all steps of the process
Potential Benefits of MTSS Improves education for ALL students-All students get what they need. Eliminates the "wait to fail” . Allows us to know what works to improve students’ skills Encourages collaboration among educators, families and community-members
MTSS Myths Myth: MTSS is just another initiative that constrains schools. Truth: Implementing an MTSS framework does not constrain schools but allows them to use their system and resources more effectively. Changes to curriculum and instruction are based on students’ growth as a result of receiving that curriculum/instruction.
MTSS Myths Myth: MTSS is only for kids who struggle, instead of for all students. Truth: An MTSS increases the quality of the educational experience for ALL students. The effectiveness of instruction for all students is the constant priority within an MTSS.
MTSS Myths Myth: With MTSS, families don’t know how their child is doing. Truth: As part of an MTSS implementation, student data is collected, reviewed, and shared with families multiple times throughout the school year. Parents of students who receive additional help, such as tier 2 or tier 3 interventions, should receive more frequent updates of their child’s progress because these students are monitored more frequently. As active team members, families should be invited to participate every time data is analyzed and educational decisions are made.
MTSS Progress Davis Done MTSS Team Recruit the following team members: Realted ARTs-PE, Music Parents School Board Member Staff agrees on schedule for intervention time. Next Steps… Discussion about interventions. Plan for intervention time.
Intervention Sources IES (Institute OF Education Sciences) Practice Guides =All%20Publication%20and%20Product%20Types,3;
What does it look like? Student Level Bart is in seventh grade. He recently took a one minute reading fluency test (during benchmark screening) to determine how efficiently he is reading. His score suggests he is at some risk for reading difficulties. The third grade team meets to review and discuss other information about Bart’s reading ability (classroom observations, NWEA Test Results). Once information is reviewed the team determines that Reading Mastery will help Bart develop the ability to sound out words (decoding) more quickly. The third grade team wants to be certain that Reading Mastery is helping Bart learn to decode… He takes one minute reading test every other week to make sure interventions are working as intended. The after a period of four weeks the third grade team meets again to review information and determine if Bart is learning as a result of the targeted intervention.
What does it look like? School/District Level Fall benchmark testing has just taken place (students only miss 10-15 minutes of instruction to complete the required tests.) Results showed that only 50% of students are at no-risk for reading difficulty. Meaning 50% are at some-risk or at-risk for reading difficulty. The school or district team reviews educational practices and curriculum. Problem solving then happens at the team level to better understand what can be done to meet 80% or more of students with core instruction.