Reviewing the GSICS Data Management Working Group Terms of Reference Peter Miu CMA, CNES, EUMETSAT, ISRO, IMD, JMA, KMA, NASA, NIST, NOAA, ROSHYDROMET, USGS, WMO
Presentation Overview Background Review Proposal Discussion Points Update of the ToR proposal for the GSICS EP
BG: GSICS ToR GSICS – RD004 GDWG ToR (section 3) specifies the following: It is expected that GDWG members will contribute to GDWG activities at the level of at least one man month per year; ~20 days GDWG chairs GSICS EP CGMS action A specific concern on the workload of GSICS Data Management Working Group (GDWG) was raised and discussed. The current activities go beyond the originally foreseen scope of the GDWG as these activities, originally foreseen for the GSICS Coordination Centre, can only be performed by the GDWG members, In addition to a revision of the Terms of Reference and the associated resourcing an active engagement in the GDWG is required, This does not only benefit GSICS itself, but was also seen as beneficial for the Agency activities that will require attention in any case. CGMS action (A44.04): GSICS to review the GDWG Terms of Reference and associated indicated levels of effort of the members.
ISRO – GSICS products creation Known GDWG Resource 2016/2017 CMA EUMETSAT JMA KMA NOAA GRWG efforts related to Data Management. ISRO – GSICS products creation USGS – GIRO / GLOD
Analyse the efforts from some Agencies to gauge the resource needed 2016
Review 2016: EUM GSICS EUMETSAT Chair Activities ToR requests 1 man month; 20 days 65% more effort Additional efforts GRWG requested for 2017 GSICS Activity Number of Days Used Joint Meeting Preparation; action status updates, agenda preparation & presentation preparation. 8 days Attending Joint Meeting, chairing, minutes and actions. 5 days GDWG task: automation of the GSICS products directory structures and THREDD configuration, support to GPPA, support the GIRO and GLOD distribution. 16 17 days EP Meeting Preparation and attendance; action status tracking, GDWG report preparation and review 3 days GDWG Web meeting preparation 3 days (estimate) Total 35 33 days
Review 2016: JMA GSICS JMA Chair Activities JMA supported EUM in GSICS Dev for 15 days = 37 days ToR requests 1 man month; 20 days 85% more effort GSICS Activity Number of Days Used Joint Meeting Preparation; action status updates, agenda preparation & presentation preparation. 8 days Attending Joint Meeting, chairing, minutes and actions. 5 days Product Format, minutes review, GCC interaction, actions tracking, support to GPPA. EP Meeting Preparation and attendance; action status tracking, GDWG report preparation and review 4 days GDWG Web meeting preparation 3 days (estimate) Total 25 22 days
GSICS Member Activities Review 2016: CMA GSICS Member Activities ToR requests 1 man month; 10 days 50% more effort GSICS Activity Number of Days Used Joint Meeting Preparation; action status updates, presentation preparation, 5 days Attending Joint Meeting, present presentations, participate in discussion and actions. Provide administration to GSICS collaboration server GSICS Developments; replication of GSICS products across servers GSICS Development; development of GSICS products 10 days Total 30 days
Observations on GDWG Resources Concern has been presented to EP; this needs to be presented to CGMS ToR effort is not enough for chairs and active members. Resources are needed for: Coordination Meetings Developments Operations
GDWG Resources The is a need in the ToR to stress that: Membership means GPRC are OBLIGATED to provide a LONG STANDING member(s) to support. If no members attend from a GPRC, how can we encourage them to provide a member: Offer observation membership rather than full membership; this membership should only attend and provide information. ??
Another ToR Update t o discuss…
BG: GSICS ToR GSICS – RD004 GDWG ToR: Co-Chairs Charing Durations This is currently undefined, proposal to provide an update to the ToR… Suggestion: 3 years renewal, following by elections; remain as co-chair configuration, or move to chair and vice chair configuration. Co-chair was specified for organizations who prefer this chairing arrangement.
Updates to the ToR The following has been discussed and agreed by the GDWG Members: Update to the days for chairs, GDWG work, Development and Operations… Update to stress what membership means… Update to clarify what the co-chair arrangement.
Thank you for your attention