Signature Series for the NIGP Chapter Lee Erb Signature Series Concierge Signature Series for the NIGP Chapter
History The Signature Series is NIGP’s newest program offering a unique combination of both membership benefits and professional development into a convenient total solution for Chapters. The series is arranged into three areas of focus; a virtual option, a face-to-face seminar option and, a blended variety of both virtual and classroom deliveries.
What is the Signature Series Combination of membership and professional development Professional development: Virtual, In Person, or a blend of both Virtual In-Person Webinars Forum registrations On-line course Days of classroom instruction Membership Membership Blended Forum Registrations Days of classroom Instruction Webinars Membership
How it works Define your chapter needs and select a package that works for your chapter (Consultation with concierge to find best fit is encouraged) Designate contact person Fill out application and send to NIGP Receive communication from NIGP welcoming to program Chapter designee to receive tracking document NIGP concierge will communicate frequently with chapter designee to ensure maximum use of benefits
Not finding the right blend Customization Not finding the right blend for your chapter? Contact the NIGP Signature Series concierge for a consultation on a customized solution
How to make it work for you Ask yourself these questions? Have you had to cancel a class for low enrollment? Have you had a volunteer that wanted to run for office but wasn’t a national member and was required to be? Do you have a scholarship program that you can’t currently fund? Or don’t have one in place but would love to offer one to your members? Want to grow your chapter membership? Want to send an officer or chapter member to Forum?
Answers!!! Use the SS to fill those last two spots in your seminar (or try and take advantage of receiving maximum rebate by increasing your class size) Make sure you don’t loose that volunteer that wants to run for President by offering them a national membership through the SS (requirement of 3 chapter officers) In these tough economic times, make your old or new scholarship program work for your members. Offer “free” classes, do a raffle at a meeting or assist a member with classes towards certification.
Win back lapsed membership by communicating your chapter is now a part of the NIGP SS and can offer them added benefits! 5. Send that “first-timer” to Forum or make sure that your chapter has a representative at chapter related activities during Forum week.
Contact Information Mrs. Lee Erb, Customer Care Representative, Signature Series Concierge 1-800-367-6447 extension 228 (phone) 703-736-9644 (fax)
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