HIB Lesson Bullying Prevention 7th Grade
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB): WHAT IS HIB? Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB): Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is a persistent, intentional, electronic, written, verbal, or physical act that: Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; or Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school. Bethel School District Board Policy 3207 Review Information; check for understanding
There are four types of bullying: Physical: Hurting someone’s body Verbal: Hurting someone’s feelings Social/Emotional: Hurting someone in a relationship sense Cyber: Hurting someone else through email, instant messaging, chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images sent to a cellular phone. Review information; check for understanding
Bystanders can be hurtful or helpful. Bullying situations usually involve more than the bully and the victim. They also involve bystanders - those who watch bullying happen or hear about it. Depending on how bystanders respond, they can either contribute to the problem or the solution. Bystanders rarely play a completely neutral role. Bystanders can be hurtful or helpful. Review information; check for understanding
HIB REPORTING PROCEDURES What do you do if you are bullied or witness a bullying incident? If you experience or witness acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying, tell a staff member or trusted adult immediately! Review information
Tell parent or adult and have them contact school WAYS TO REPORT HIB Report to a staff member, teacher, counselor, coach, administrator immediately Tell parent or adult and have them contact school Go to Safety Center on district website- Complete Form 3207 and give to staff member TipText - Text BULLY to 253-216-8233 Review information; check for understanding
TEENS TALK ON CYBERBULLYING Watch this video: Cyberbullying Click on the image to access and view the video
TEENS TALK ON CYBERBULLYING After watching that video clip… How do you define cyberbullying? How is it different from traditional bullying? How does/would being cyberbullied make you feel? What could you do as a bystander when you see cyberbullying? Small group discussion using the questions
CLASS PLEDGE As a class, we are going to sign a Anti-Bullying Class Pledge. The pledge states: I won’t bully others I will help students who are being bullied I will include students who are left out I will report any bullying that I know about By signing the document, you are committed to honoring the pledge. Distribute the pledge and have each student sign. Post the pledge in your classroom