MWV Punchout – HOME Page Once the user has selected to “Open Catalog” from your e-Purchasing system, the screen above will appear. Categories along the left side of the screen and on the middle of the page can be selected for various envelope types. NOTE: Dept. of Revenue envelopes will all be included under one category “DOR Envelopes”. The “Search” feature may be used to find a particular envelope by entering the Product ID or by using a “keyword” from the item description. (i.e. catalog, booklet, etc.) “Email US” icon will allow the user to send a message to the support mailbox at MWV. “Help” icon will give the user access to various topics available. “Shipping” icon will give user special information regarding their shipments.
“EMAIL US” Icon – Email Form Window The “Email Us” icon launches an email form for the user to submit a technical support question to MeadWestvaco. After completing the email form and clicking on the “Send” button, the window can be closed by clicking on the “X” in the upper right side of the screen. NOTE: Any questions submitted that are NOT of a technical nature will be forwarded to a MWV support contact for response.
“HELP” Icon – Help Document Screen The “HELP” icon launches a Help document, To select a “Help” topic, click on the topic category at the top of the screen. When finished viewing the “HELP” document, close the window by clicking on the “X” in the upper right side of the screen.
“SHIPPING” Icon – MWV Shipping Information Screen The “Shipping” icon launches a screen of information pertaining to shipping information on MeadWestvaco orders. To exit this screen, use the “back” arrow button on your internet browser window.
“STOCK ITEMS” Category Selection Screen To order an item directly from this screen: Type in the “Order Quantity” (per thousand) and click on the “Add to Order” button at the top or bottom of the screen. This item will be placed in your shopping cart. 2. To view more detailed specifications on this item, click on the Envelope graphic or product id.
“Stock Item” Detail Screen To order this item, input the “Order Quantity” (in thousands). The “Item Total” will populate with the correct pricing. Click on the “Add to Order” button to place this item in your shopping cart.
“SHOPPING CART” Screen “NOTE”: Special charges may be added to your order. The “Shopping Cart” screen will appear next. You may edit the “QUANTITY” on your order in the cart by typing in a new quantity and clicking on the “SAVE CHANGES” option. To add another item to your shopping cart, click on the “PRODUCT” category in the left navigation bar. (i.e. “Customized Printing” envelopes)
“CUSTOMIZED PRINTING” Category Screen To select a “Customized Item” to add to your order: Click on the Envelope graphic image. Click on the Product ID. 3. Click on the “Choose Template” option.
“Customized Printing” – Item Specifications Screen The 3 Format options at the top of the page illustrate the ways in which this envelope can be printed. If this item has NOT been ordered before, click on the “Create New” button. If this envelope has been ordered before and you wish to re-order it using the same address imprint, click on the address line in the last box that you wish to re-use on this order.
New Address Imprint Option Screen You must first select the address “FORMAT” and “Font” below by clicking on the radial button next to the (FONT) – FORMAT you wish to use. (i.e. “(Arial) – Format 1”.
“New Address” Input Screen (continued) Use the “Browse” button to upload a logo for your department. (.GIF, .JPG, .PDF files only, max. size = 80KB) “Legal Entity” = choose a Department Name from the dropdown, or select the “Other” option to type in a department name if it does not exist on the list. Complete the address lines that apply. NOTE: There must be at least one address line. Complete the City, State, and ZIP options. “Postal Endorsement” select one from the list, or leave the box “blank”. “Tint” button, select yes or no to add a security tint on the envelope. Click on the “Save” button to view the envelope imprint just created.
“view PDF” Screen Once your envelope proof appears on the screen: Edit – allows you to return to make changes to input fields. Remove – removes all input from the proof and will allow you to start over. View PDF – opens up Adobe Acrobat Reader for you to view and print your proof. You MUST answer “YES” to the “Proof Approved” option to continue placing you order. Input the quantity for your order (in thousands). Pricing will populate automatically. Click on the “Add to Order” to place this item in your Shopping Cart.
SHOPPING CART Screen “NOTE”: Special charges may be added to your order. From the “SHOPPING CART” screen, review the items in your cart. You may remove any item from the cart by clicking on the “Remove” box in front of the line item and selecting the “Remove Selected” option. When your order is complete, click on the “Check Out (Submit)” button. You will be returned to your e-Purchasing system to complete the shipping and billing information there. Your order will be transmitted to MeadWestvaco for processing, once your e-Purchasing system checks have been completed.