Mental Math Activity
1 About how much is 3272 + 5910?
2 About how much is 3179 - 985?
3 What is 8 x 8?
4 What is 7 x 9?
5 What is 42 ÷ 7?
6 What is 1100 – 400 – 300?
7 What is 1200 + 350 - 150?
8 What time is it?
9 What fraction is shown?
10 What is 8 x 60?
11 What is 70 x 40?
12 What is 70 x 800?
What number is represented below? 13 What number is represented below?
14 What is 1 000 000 + 700 000 + 20 000 + 400 + 10 + 3
15 What is 848 ÷ 4 ?
16 What decimal is shown?
17 About how much is $3.75 + $1.92?
18 About how much is 8.72 - 2.19?
What is the area of the figure below? 19 What is the area of the figure below? 1 cm
What is the missing number in the equation below? 20 What is the missing number in the equation below? 231 + ⃝ = 362