Hill School School Improvement Plan 2015-2016 Presentation to School Committee Ed Moccia Corinne Ciano October 15th, 2015
Leadership and Governance Instructional Leadership Team Grade level and support staff who make decisions regarding curriculum, instruction, assessment Poll staff in Spring for training for 2016-2017 as PLG facilitators
Curriculum and Instruction Envision 2.0 New resource, Grades K - 5 PD during weekly CPT Teachers will use program to create and monitor home and in–school Dual Language Grade 3 Cohort continues to Grade 3 1 bilingual teacher
Human Resources and Professional Development Teacher led Professional Development Spring 2015 teachers identified an area of growth Administration grouped teachers according to areas of need 2015–2016, teachers will work in their PD groups toward desired outcome (i.e. Family Math Night, rigorous questions for texts, Cultural Fair) Additional Grade 5 Self-Contained Classroom to address class size Co-teaching model for 50% of the school day
Student Support Specialists Common Planning Music, Art, PE, and Tech teachers meet weekly Social worker and nurse meet bi-monthly to update on any pertinent student issues Assures student needs are met throughout the school day Administration meets monthly with specialists during common planning time
Student Support Engaging Families in new ways Fast Math Parent Training – Meet the Teacher in September, 2 Parent teacher meetings (December and April) Math Coach tracks home usage monthly Tweet out Link and app information (monthly) School Based Food Pantry – Second Thursday of each month Incorporate volunteers from RHS and community Parent Volunteers for Lunch Duty Sign up through PTO (9/10/15) Email through PTO (10/1/15) Cradles to Crayons 2nd Thursday of each month in conjunction with Food Pantry Orders taken each month for distribution the next month.