DEFINITION An Underwater windmill is a device which gets power from the tides. The gravitational pull of the moon produces a swift tidal current, which courses through the channel and spins the long blades of the turbine.
PRINCIPLE: It works on the principle, much like windmills, but driven by flowing water rather than air. Normally in a windmill the generators are connected to battery charging circuits and finally to large utility grids. In windmills the wind passes through the airfoil section of the blades and the lift produced generates a torque which is then transformed to electricity in the generator.
TYPES: Marine Current Turbine 750 kW – 1.5 MW 15 – 20 m rotors 3 m monopole 10 – 20 RPM Deployed in multi-unit farms or arrays Like a wind farm, but Water 800x denser than air Smaller rotors More closely spaced
Tidal Turbines (Swan turbines) Direct drive to generator No gearboxes Gravity base Versus a bored foundation Fixed pitch turbine blades Improved reliability But trades off efficiency
Oscillating Tidal Turbine Oscillates up and down 150 kW prototype operational (2003) Plans for 3 – 5 MW prototypes
Production of electricity from underwater windmill The moon's gravitational pull on water bodies creates tides. In turn, this movement creates kinetic energy that is carried by the water The underwater current produced by the tides spins blades These turbines are attached to a gear box, which is connected to an electrical generator.
UNDERWATER WINDMILL POTENTIAL The first, and still by far the largest, tidal generating facility was built in northern France in 1966, with an impressive capacity of 50 MW Similar but much smaller barrage plants--a type increasingly seen as too costly--have been built in Nova Scotia, Canada (10 MW) and in Kislogubsk, near Murmansk, Russia, on the Barents Sea (40 kW). MCT – 4 to 5MW
The rotor should be placed about 20 to 30 meters deep and that currents have a maximum speed of at least 2.25 to 2.5 meters per second. To get onto the rig, we use a rubber inflatable boat A key innovative aspect of the Seaflow design is that its gearbox and turbine can be raised above sea level for servicing.
Test Bed Characterization Created flow through scaled model of a tidal turbine in a 100’ long tow tank by attaching test bed to movable carriage Ran carriage at three controllable speeds and multiple torsional loads Data is collected.
RESULTS Collected average steady state angular velocity and average torsional load is used to develop dimensional performance curves Show the precision of the test bed and performance of turbine design.
Angular velocity and Avg T.Load
Dimensional performance curves
Performance of turbine design
Conclusion Data was collected over a range of speeds and it was shown that the non-dimensionalized power curves collapsed to a single performance curve as expected. This was used to validate the performance of the test bed measurement system.
Advantages Underwater windmills are relatively cheap to manufacture. Their environmental impact is negligible Working tidal turbine can have much smaller diameter rotors than an equivalent power output winds turbine. It does not depend on the vaguaries of the weather. More power generated means greater returns on investment Energy output is a 100℅ reliable, as tides are as sure as the moon.
Diasadvantages Most shrouded underwater windmills are directional. Underwater windmills need to be below the mean low water level Underwater windmills loads are 3 to 4 times those of the open or free stream turbine, so a robust mounting system is necessary Shrouded underwater windmills may be hazardous to marine life
Conclusion The Department of Energy has shown great enthusiasm regarding underwater windmill as one of the future energy source. Philosophy regarding energy will change drastically from the present into the future. In a society with increasing energy demands and decreasing supplies, we must look to the future and develop our best potential renewable resource. Underwater windmill fits the bill, a natural source of energy with many benefits. The planet's tidal capability greatly exceeds that of the world’s entire coal and oil supply. It is an ideal source of energy with great potential. When developed underwater windmills could be one of the type which provides energy for our future requirements
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