Math Curriculum for the second nine weeks 3-5 Parent Math Workshop Math Curriculum for the second nine weeks
Texas Process standards for K-5
3rd Grade Money/Personal Financial Literacy Graphing Multiplication and Division
4th Grade Addition and Subtraction Graphing Multiplication and division
5th Grade Decimals and Decimal Operations Graphing Geometry
Base Ten Blocks
Multiplication division Meaning Meaning 3 x 4 = 12 Three Groups with four in each group Is 3 x 4 the same as 4 x 3? 12 ÷ 4 = 3 What does the dividend represent? What does the divisor represent? What does the quotient represent?
Area Models
Area Model progression
Multiplying decimals with an area model
Division Meaning The dividend is the total amount we are breaking into equal groups/parts or finding out how many equal groups/parts are in the total. The Divisor tells us how many groups/parts we are breaking the dividend into or how many equal groups/parts are in the total. The quotient tells us how many are in each group/part or how many groups/parts are in the total
Dividing with pictures Diya has 12 apples. She wants to share them equally with 4 friends. How many apples will each of Diya’s friends get? 12 ÷ 4 = 3 Diya has 12 apples. She wants to share them equally with her friends. If Diya gives 3 apples to each friend, how many friends will get apples? 12 ÷ 3 = 4
Dividing with partial quotients give it context! Books and shelves _______________________
Dividing decimals with the area model
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