What Does Math Look Like? Our math block is content-based flexible grouping utilizing Curriculum 2.0 Instruction aligned with Common Core Standards will be: Whole group Small group Independent practice Center activities Math content focuses on: Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Geometry Measurement and Data
Daily Ways Parents Can Help at Home with Math Practice mental math facts (addition & subtraction) to build fluency up to 20. Represent numbers in a variety of ways (base ten blocks, expanded form, place value, etc.) Review homework menu for current objectives. Students can use Google Classroom links to reinforce concepts taught in class.
Science & Engineering Natural Features of the Earth (explain and identify water, soil, and rock properties) Animal Habitats Astronomy: Phases of the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars Life Cycle of Butterflies, Plants, and Brine Shrimp Students will participate in experiments and put the scientific process into action!
Social Studies Rights and Responsibilities Beliefs of a Democracy Geography: map skills, continents, oceans, etc. Economics: Goods & Services, Natural & Capital Resources, and Producers & Consumers Cultures: People, events, and places (both past and present)
Reading Initiative We have a 20:1 student to teacher ratio during the Reading Initiative block. Reading classes are created through flexible grouping with the grade level. Within each class will be multiple reading levels. Reading Initiative teachers are, Mrs. Brosious, Mrs. Crouthamel (Mrs. Westley), Mrs. Greaney, Mrs. Donaldson, and Mrs. Lee.
What Does Reading Look Like? Modeled and Shared Reading (whole class) Guided Reading (flexible groups based on reading ability and needs) Independent Reading Decoding strategies Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension (oral and written)
Daily Ways Parents Can Help at Home with Reading Listen to your child read Read to your child Allow your child to share a decoding strategy when they are stuck on a word Ask questions/discuss the story Model good reading habits READ, READ, READ!!
What Does Writing Look Like? Daily writing block Writer’s Workshop Modeled, shared, interactive, guided, independent Focus: Personal Narratives Informative/Explanatory Opinion Personal Expression (Poetry)
What Is Included in the Writing Block? Writing Process 6 Traits of Writing: Ideas and Development Conventions Organization Sentence Fluency Word Choice Voice Spelling/Word Study/Use of Language
Spelling/Use of Language Spelling words follow rules or patterns Students practice and review words on in class assignments. Assessments are based on application of common spelling rules within their writing. Students are taught to review work to check for spelling errors. Spelling grade is embedded into Use of Language portion of their Writing grade.
Grading Academic Grades For more information, visit: Are ongoing throughout the marking period. Grades reflect what students know and are able to do in relation to grade level expectations. For more information, visit: An overview of Curriculum 2.0: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/grading/ http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/2.0/o utcomes.aspx
Grading = Teacher reviewed/completion of work. Please check out the online video for the standards-based report card: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/grading/report-cards.aspx
Nightly Homework Homework Menu: Students will be bringing home a menu of different choices. They have two weeks to finish their activities. Some activities are “Must Do”: they must be completed in the two-week cycle. Other activities are “Can Do”: these are activities from which students can choose. Written work is to be done in their Homework Journal. Only return the cover sheet of the menu on the due date. The journal should be used for any written work and can be kept at home. Please have your child check off their completed activities and both students and parents must sign to show activities have been finished. Unfinished work might be sent home as part of their “Must Do” activities.
Classroom Management We expect all Stone Mill students to follow the rules and expectations that have been set for them. Check home folders daily for comments about behavior. A stamp or sticker indicates expected behavior was met. Warnings are always given. If a child does not correct behavior then his/her calendar will have a check mark. This is a signal for you to check your email for a note from the teacher. Please sign calendar daily.
Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher: Thank You For Coming! Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher: Email: Tracie_N_Brosious@mcpsmd.org Gretchen_Donaldson@mcpsmd.org Whitney_C_Greaney@mcpsmd.org Erin_C_Crouthamel@mcpsmd.org Tonya_L_Westley@mcpsmd.org Brenda_L_Lee@mcpsmd.org We look forward to an amazing year and we are appreciative of all the support you give us! The Second Grade Team