Yogyakarta Earthquake: Humanitarian Update MNCC BRIEFING Yogyakarta Earthquake: Humanitarian Update 24 April 2017 www.unocha.org
Situation Report N. 3 – 23 April Radiation leak at PSTA nuclear research reactor being monitored. Responding DIY agencies and the TNI continue mandatory evacuation and voluntary relocation of all residents, respectively, within 2 km and 3 km of PSTA. Radiation levels at Adisutjipto International Airport are being assessed. Radiation levels in those portions of the Surakarta City to Purworejo railway line and roadways within the 2 km and 3 km evacuation zones are being assessed. The Humanitarian Country Team continues to hold daily coordination meetings in Jakarta, coordinating its response support efforts with the Government of Indonesia.
Humanitarian Community in Indonesia Education Cluster agencies continue assessing the number of children affected by the mandatory and voluntary evacuation zones centred on PTSA. Gaps & Constraints: Continued need for structural engineers to assess the structural soundness of school buildings in the earthquake affected areas; Educational supplies for displaced children continue to be gathered in Jakarta for shipment to the affected areas. OCHA brings together people, tools and experience to save live Health Cluster agencies continue monitoring radiation levels and air concentration levels around PTSA. To date, no cases of radiation sickness have been reported. Gaps & Constraints: If relocation is required, assistance from TNI/MPAT Nations with medical relocations, primarily due to a lack of available ambulances.
Humanitarian Community in Indonesia Portions of major north-south and east-west highways and roadways in Sleman and Bantul regencies, and Yogyakarta City, lie within the 2/3 km radiological evacuation zones. Logistics Cluster is monitoring radiation levels in these areas to determine whether it is safe to use them for delivery of relief supplies. LC is assessing alternate land routes outside of the evacuation zones. Gaps & Constraints: Commercial trucking for delivery of relief supplies in the affected area; Debris removal equipment for clearing of roadways in the affected area; Identification of available warehouses in the affected area and at hub-airports. Removal of debris and repair of infrastructure, including restoration of electrical power, and water and sanitation services, remain critical to achieving early recovery. Repair and debris removal from roadways
Humanitarian Community in Indonesia Displacement and Protection Cluster continue assessing the shelter, water, sanitation and medical needs of earthquake displaced persons. Temporary housing for the displaced or available space in the affected area to establish a temporary displaced persons settlement for both the earthquake and radiological accident displaced. Cluster agencies coordinate with BNPB, BPBF, POLRI, the TNI and BATAN regarding the on-going evacuations of persons within 2 km (mandatory) and 3 km (voluntary) of the PTSA nuclear facility. BATAN officials are monitoring radiation levels and air concentration levels in the vicinity of PSTA in Depok, Sleman Regency, DIY. BATAN officials are concurrently developing a response plan to assess the cause and repair the radiation leak from PTSA. Gaps & Constraints: Continued shortage of debris removal equipment in the roadway area. Lack of identified spaces or existing facilities for use as temporary housing for displaced persons.
Humanitarian Community in Indonesia Assessments and distribution operations remain on-going for food assistance and therapeutic malnutrition supplement for an estimated 800,000 persons for a minimum of 4 weeks. WFP reports that the initial bulk shipments of food assistance should arrive in the Ports of TaAnjung Intan and Tanjung Emas within 2 days. Assessments of overland transportation routes for transportation and delivery of emergency food aid is on-going. Technological expertise in post-radiological accident, agricultural impact assessments. Gaps & Constraints Local officials report that receipt of mortuary supplies, including body bags, have lessened the extent of the current shortage but that additional supplies are required. Local officials also report that local mortuaries continue to be operating at full capacity.
Challenges: Address IDP needs during all phases of displacement; SPHERE Standards; Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and broader protection issues; Clear identification locations for relocation.
Civil-Military Coordination Meeting - 24 April RFA Template