Recreating Photographers Photos Reece Bell
David Bailey (Michael Caine Portrait) This photo is a portrait of Michael Caine and was taken by David Bailey. I have chosen this photo because of its old nature and the one sided shadow on Michael Caine's face. The suit and cigarette fits with the shadow on his face as it makes Michael look dark and has an element of a gangster because he is smartly dressed and the dark facial expression. I will be recreating this photo using a DLSR camera and a LED light, this will give me the shadow effect. I will try and recreate the style putting pieces of my suits together to get a match with Michaels, I will also have the cigarette in my mouth.
Bernadette E Kazamarski (Night Time Alley) Bernadette started photography using a “Pentax K1000”. He used this camera because he enjoyed getting the black and white effect and the feel for taking photos with an old fashion feel. Bernadette did not study photography but taught himself by seeing what worked and what did not work. Bernadette is not widely known for his work but he deserves more recognition for some of the work he produces, for example some landscape photography and street photography. I chose to recreate his photo because it was simple. The photo shows a dark alley in a rainy night, this is a perfect scene for any story and that’s why I chose it because of its dark and scary look.
Recreating David Baily Recreating Bailys photo of Michael Caine was hard. Firstly I didn’t have the lighting needed to get the shadow effect on Michael Caine's face so I had to use a Photoshop to gain the effect. I also did not have a backdrop that fitted the same as David Baily’s shown in his photo of Michael Caine. Saying this I still got the effect I wanted and still had the main elements including, the facial expression and clothing style (smart).
Recreating Bernadette E Kazamarski This recreation was my biggest struggle because of the timing and area it was taken. Bernadette’s photo was taken in America capturing the alleys at night with a dark element and this photo captures British alleys with a dark element. Bernadette captured his photo by getting different dark elements, for example the rain, dark sky and abandoned buildings. My British alley had its council estate block of flats and its dark walk ways into more darkness.
References David Bailey, (1969), David Bailey caine [ONLINE]. Available at: david+bailey&gs_l=img.3..0l10.4108.4108.0.4289. 1.47.IbZ3Jq0aw1I#imgdii=aWS9uEceFqqEaM%3A%3BaWS9uEceFqqEaM%3A%3BFTHT WFvzpHs44M%3A&imgrc=aWS9uEceFqqEaM%3A [Accessed 14 November 2016]. Bernadette-k. 2008. Everything Is Beautiful . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2016]. Bernadette E Kazamarski , (2008), Alley In The Rain [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2016].