As you come in… Please turn in your Resume to the basket Grab a copy of “On the Importance of Goal Setting” and begin reading/annotating”
What do I want to accomplish?
How will I know I am making progress?
What are the steps I will take to make this happen?
Why does this matter to me?
When will I accomplish this by?
Goals Summary Create a SMART goal for this year, the next few years (short-term), and a few years down the road (long-term) Goals should be geared towards college/career (or whatever it is that you are applying for) All three goals don’t have to be related to the same job, but they should be related to the same concept or field Your list of 50 goals—some were really beneficial, while others were more just aspirational. It is good to have both, but we want to make sure our professional lives are mapped out just as much as our personal lives.
Goals Summary Short-Term: In order to get out of my insubstantial apartment and own my own house by the end of Summer, 2017, I will first meet with my realtor in December in order to pre-qualify for my home-loan, then by Spring I will be able to begin touring homes for sale, allowing me to be able to select and officially finance the home of my choosing.
Homework Goals Summary (due 10/10-11) Bring assignments to work on during PSAT testing (10/11) Send out requests for Letters of Recommendation ASAP!!! Must receive back before 10/16-17 (Portfolio due date)
Write Now In your composition book, respond to the following prompt: Perceptions play a huge role in our society, though they are not always within our control. How does how you see yourself differ from how others perceive you? More importantly, which do you think has more of an influence on our lives? What makes you say so? Word count: 100+