Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology 1. Industry Leader: 3LCD is the technology that powers the majority of all education, business, and home theater projectors worldwide. Three Chip Engine: 3LCD projectors use 3 Chips in EVERY projector for full-time color. With its 3-chip design, 3LCD delivers clear and vibrant images, so true-to-life you may not believe your eyes. 2. Market share source: PMA WW Census Report
Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology 3. 50 Million Chips: With over 50 million 3LCD chips shipped worldwide for projection, this powerful and road-tested technology is a reliable way to achieve sharp, beautiful images. High Color Light Output: All 3LCD projectors use a 3-chip design to deliver incredibly bright images with High Color Light Output. 4.
Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology 5. Less Power: 3LCD projectors efficiently use available lamp light to create stunning images. In contrast to 1-chip technology, 3LCD projects 26% more brightness per watt of electricity.1 Less Heat: Higher power consumption translates to extra heat output. In a study of comparable projectors, the 1-chip units tested output about 50% hotter exhaust than the 3LCD units tested.2 6. 1Power data source: Jan 2009 Comparison of 847 shipping models, all resolutions and brightness levels 2Heat Study: 3rd party laboratory tested 12 popular projectors from the top six 3LCD and 1-chip brands. The 6 pairs of 1-chip and 3LCD projectors were matched on resolution and lumen specifications, and represented each of the six key market segments.
Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology 7. No Spinning Color Wheel: 1-chip projectors use a Color Wheel to create color. The Color Wheel is a mechanical device that could require replacement. The Color Wheel may have a clear segment that boosts White brightness at the expense of Color. Grayscale: 3LCD technology precisely controls the amount light passing through the LCD chips producing smooth gradations that are free from banding and contour artifacts that can be displayed by 1-chip projectors. 8.
Top Ten Reasons to Choose 3LCD Technology 9. Filters in every projector: Filter-free does not mean maintenance free. Here are the key facts: Dust still gets on the lamp and other critical components inside filter-free projectors. Dust can reduce lamp brightness and useful lamp life in filter-free projectors. Dust can degrade image quality in filter-free projectors. No Sequential Color: 1-chip projectors use a rotating color wheel that spins at a rapid speed, only displaying colors sequentially, which can result in color break-up or the “rainbow effect”. 10.