Artifact 40 Summer Reading Academy PowerPoint Presentation for The last day of school This artifact was developed during my practicum experience at Peace River Elementary School Summer 2007. My role in producing this project was as a member of the leadership team. I was responsible for locating the media and creating the presentation. Positive feedback was received from teachers, students, and administrator. This project addresses the following Florida Educational Leadership Standards: Standard 7: Technology- The principal plans and implements the integration of technological and electronic tools in teaching, learning, management, research and communication responsibilities. Reflection: I learned a great deal from this project. By providing this educational presentation, I was able to provide teachers with some time to complete their end of year paperwork. This was essential since teachers did not have a planning day at the close. I learned the valuable skill of utilizing technology in that it does not always work. There were several glitches but the presentation was still a hit.
Summer Reading Academy 2007 Peace River Elementary Deep Creek Elementary Meadow Park Elementary
Thanks for Diving into Learning
Please read every day all summer for 30 minutes!
Magic School Bus Mussel Beach
We hope you learned about the ocean! Now sit back and get ready for the next presentation…
Magic School Bus Takes a Dive
Enjoy the rest of your summer…
Go Dive into Reading…