Follow The Gift Please, at any point in this presentation if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.
Most Gifts Start With a Solicitation 1.) Remember to gather all the information we can on the solicitation forms. 2. The more we know the less chance we have of mistakes. 3.) Use donor ID Numbers on solicitation forms whenever possible. A.) Solicitations: 1.)Remember to get all information we can. a.) this would include but not be limited to: 1.) First, Middle, & Last Name. 2.) Spouses Name. 3.) Addresses. 4.) ID number 5.) Which fund gift goes into. 6.) If credit card gift is involved: Type of Card, Card number, Expiration Date, & amount to be processed. 2.) The key here is always the more we know the less chance………….. Shortcuts on this will lead to mistakes. 3.) ID numbers are a real help to us. It saves us time looking up the donor; especially if there is more than one John Smith.
Once the gifts are received, we add them all up for the day’s deposit (Batch) Development Services refers to the deposit as a batch. This is because all gifts are gathered together to make a deposit. These gifts are then entered as a batch. We will discuss this later in the presentation.
The gifts are then taken to the bank and deposited.
The deposit slip from the bank is also used to reconcile our gifts with the Controller’s office. We will discuss this more later in the presentation.
Once the deposit has been made it is time to put the money into the correct funds.
While some may believe this is how we pick which fund the money goes into; I assure you it is not. I only wish it were this easy.
To decide where the gift is to go, we either find it on the pledge form and/or the check, ask whomever may have brought us the gift, or look up the donor in Donor2 to see if there is an open pledge. We also use these same methods to check for pledge schedule, reminder yes/no, and who the solicitor should be. If we are at any point unsure of where the gift is supposed to go, we will ask the gift officer (responsible for that donor) to contact the donor and find out exactly what the intent is.
The Gift is then entered into a gift group (Batch) in CampusCornerstone/Donor2. Sometimes with a little persuasion.
We/Donor2 give each deposit a gift group/batch number We/Donor2 give each deposit a gift group/batch number. All gifts associated with the deposit are entered in the system under this gift group/batch number. The system total for the deposit and the deposit slip total have to match. When we enter gifts into this gift group; we designate which fund each gift goes into. There can be instances where the gift group and deposit slip total will not match. An instance of this would be if we have a gift that we are having a hard time finding out which fund to put it into. In this instance we would notify the Controller’s office of how much the gift was and which deposit it belongs to. We would then hold the gift out of the original gift group and put it in it’s own gift group. These instances are few and far between. We don’t like to do this because of the confusion it can cause.
Places Where You Can Find the Batch Number Batch numbers are important to Development Services. They give us the first hint of where to look for information pertaining to a gift or deposit. We keep anything of importance that may have come in with the gift in each batch.
The Gift Entry Screen I don’t think everyone has access to this screen. Some of you might so I will show it to you. This is where we start entry of the batch.
On the Batch Entry Report
In the Individual Gift
If you go into the donor’s record and then click view on a gift, you will then get the next screen.
Notice the options on the left side of the screen Notice the options on the left side of the screen. If you click on the more section, that is where you will find the Batch Number.
Batch Entry The Art of Getting the Gift Entered Batch entry is not just putting an amount donated, into the system. It involves the person entering the gift to decipher many aspects of the donation: Who is the donor, where does the donor want the gift to be used, what brought the gift in, has the donor’s address changed or is this another address where we may reach the donor, what campaign does this gift fall under,
This is what our batch entry screen looks like This is what our batch entry screen looks like. Notice that we give the batch a Description. The description is two digit month, two digit date, and four digit year followed by either a descriptor, or if no descriptor, the initials of the person creating the batch.
Some of the things that are entered on the gift entry screen. MOTIVE-This is how the gift was brought in. Was it a mailing, a personal ask, or phone solicitation. A few examples of a motive are: 2007 White Coat, 2007 Founding Member, 2007 ASDOH Founders Ball. We would prefer that you have this set up BEFORE any gifts are solicited. CAMPAIGN-Make sure that Development Services knows what campaign gift is to be directed to. REFERENCE-This is where the check number or brand of credit card is input. GIFT TYPE-Pledge Payment, Pledge Transaction, Cash Gift, Deferred Gift, Deferred Payment, Non-Cash Gift. PAYMENT TYPE-EFT, Gift-in-Kind, Other, Payment by Cash, Payment by Check, Payment by Credit Card, Payment by Money Order, Payroll Deduction, Real Estate, Salary Compensation, State Dues, Stocks/Bonds, Time Donated, Travel Expenses, & Trust.
After all this hard work we are SHOT! However, we do continue on!
Once we have checked to see that all information about the gifts in a gift group/batch are entered correctly, we book the gift group. Once the gift group is booked, Development Services prints a batch report and sends it to the Controller’s office. The Controller’s office then makes sure that the gifts are distributed to the correct funds. For those who do not know, when we say book the gift, it means to send it to the Controller’s General Ledger. We hope that after integration with GreatPlains, this will be more of an automated process.
Reconciliation Once a month, (usually at the end of the month), the Controller’s office & gift income reconcile our gift income for that month.
At time of reconciliation, we are either: Best Friends! We agree on everything! Worst Enemies! We disagree about where the gift is suppose to go! We usually just have to send some kind of back up to each other as to why we put the gift where we did. I haven’t had to arm wrestle with Terrie or Sandi yet to get the reconciliation settled.
Reporting Reports can be ran on gifts after they have been entered into CampusCornerstone/Donor2.
The gift can also be pulled out of CampusCornerstone/D2 for reports. Sometimes this can be a bit confusing. When asking for reports, make sure that you know exactly what it is that you want to see. Development Services will try to accommodate any and all requests. The gift can be pulled out for a report the moment it is booked in the system. Do not assume that Development Services can read your mind. If you want to see gifts to KCOM that are from Faculty/Staff, don’t ask for all gifts to KCOM. Make your requests very detailed. We (Development Services) will also ask a lot of questions to help us decide what you are asking for. Also make sure you check the reports to see that the reports are giving you what you expect to see. If something looks out of place, it probably is. We are also working on setting up Standard Executive Summaries, Krista will go over these later.
Closing Questions. Wrap up with any questions that anyone might have.